Cream Of Wheat

Gracie, the rat, has discovered Cream-Of-Wheat. I admit it was rather comical, albeit messy.

I had cinammon toast, cream of wheat with blueberries, and a cup of Ovaltine for breakfast a short while ago. Gracie's cage was open on my desk as is customary before I leave for work. She first smelled my toast, and promptly came out looking for a treat. I gave her some and soon she was done toting it all back to her stash pile in the cage.

So I gave her a few gloppy lumps of cream of wheat and waited to see what she'd think of it. She sniffed, tasted, and proceeded to pick up a lump.

Uh, tried to. It fell apart. She got this perplexed look on her face and tried again with one of the halves. That fell apart, too. She tried again, slowly, as if she figured she was biting this soft mushy stuff a bit too hard. She managed to get it off the plate only to have it halve itself on my desk. Several tries later, she managed to push a tiny little gloppy patch up against the glass of the tank and get it to go over into her stash. She ignored my hysterical laughs and continued to do the same with the rest of the gloppy trail, which ran all the way back to the plate.

At least I don't have to clean it up!

And people think I'm nuts for having a rat. I tell you, these little creatures have more creativity in their tails than most people do in their whole bodies. They are so smart!!



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