FEED WIDGET!!!! And my own websites.

Whooo, hoooo! Last night Aflac created this super cool widget JUST FOR MY RSS FEED!! For this blog, no less. Okay, granted, this is my ONLY RSS feed, but still... YAY!! WTG, Aflac!! It's cool, too, with its "stained glass" effect - it looks like lizard scales!! (I've got two lizards so this is particularly neat to me.) The fiery sparky things in the background is part of Aflac's wallpaper, in case you're wondering. The photo which you can only see pieces of was taken on one of our camping trips. Me built fire. Mwah hah hah. Fire fun. Mwah hah hah. Okay, whatever got into me is gonna leave REAL soon or I'm gonna have nice young men in clean white coats show up...

Still, the widget is pretty darned cool if you ask me. Did I mention how awesome it is?? Now all that needs doing is to have it ported to Windows. (Sorry to all you poor Windows-haters out there, but believe it or not, I do appreciate Windows in its own right. Other oses may be better in some ways, but Windows /does/ rule the market and /is/ the most familiar sight you'll see right now. I just wish some things about it could be better is all.)

Now, as for me, I've been working on some things, too. First and foremost, I got my whole domain situation straightened out. I've switched hosting companies and also moved both my domains on the new company as well as registered a couple more.

www.nvnohi.com is my latest and simplest creation. I registered this and formed it into the base page for all the other sites I'm hosting off the space. My old www.psychomuse.com site is of course still out there, just moved onto the new server is all. It's now a stem from www.nvnohi.com, meaning the latter is the actual website and all others are folders under it. Everything's masked so unless you pay attention to the status bar it's pretty transparent. www.techietutorials.com, my business website, is also a stem. Then I placed the newly-created www.gmttc.com in there. It's for a table tennis club and Aflac will actually be working on it from here on out because he has more time and materials than I do. Plus, he's got the super-cool Mac. The guy we're doing it for is more into the flashy stuff and I don't have time to learn how to code it all by hand (not to mention it goes against my very being!) so I turned everything over to Aflac and his Mac. He's already come up with some awesome ideas. One of these, for me, is a bit too much but it's closest to other table tennis sites design-wise, I think. The other one is awesomely cool to me but I doubt the table tennis guy will like it because it's so simple and very black-oriented. (Hence my profound appreciation for it.) He won't post it on the official site until he hears back from the table tennis guy. And finally, there is Aflac's /personal/ site, www.christiemediaworks.com. He's moved all his stuff over to the new server, too. I guess I can either store stuff on the old one or find out if I can ditch it and get a partial refund. Not much else I want with it...

In other news, my brain is 20 years old according to Aflac's Brain Age game. Work is going well. We're soon to be vacationing with my mom. Dante's over 13000 miles now. I acquired a new old pc by default which I've yet to mess with. And I'm about to be the proud new mom of three little hamsters! If the lady ever tells me where she lives, that is... LOL

ILY Aflac, over and out... nekot!



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