Raven Reinstall

First off, I was stupid last week and gave myself some evil spyware. This is the second time I've ever given myself something against my own better judgement. The first time was when I saw this email with a .jpg attached. I wasn't sure who it was from, but the name sounded familiar, so I figured it must have been a long-lost friend from an old group I'd left. I opened the attachment just as I realized that .jpg was part of the name. The actual extension was .exe. I gave myself the very first virus in existence, the "colt" virus. It had of course been modified for newer times, but still... the first virus in existence, and I go giving it to myself!

This time I downloaded something that had spyware attached. In fact, it was all spyware. I knew the site to instinctively feel wrong, but thought, bah, Raven needs redoing anywho. So I downloaded it, scanned for viruses, and ran it. Whups... got spyware up the ying yang, and no proggie. Two pieces of the vile stuff I couldn't get rid of, so I rebuilt Raven from scratch. This is something I wanted to do anyway, so no biggie.

Raven is now fully operational. I backed up her two smaller hard drives (80gb and 160gb) onto approximately 12 DVDs and the 200GB drive and wiped both clean. Then I repartitioned the 80gb into three sections. Two are 20GB each, Fat32 of course. The other is the remaining 40GB, NTFS. I now have XP on partition E and 98se on C. That wasn't my original intention, but it worked out well because I did want 98se on her again due to some old program issues I was having on XP. I just have to remember that any files I want to access with 98 will need to be stored on one of the Fat32 partitions. Oh well.

Heh, and a friend of mine was like, "You formatted with ntfs?? Cool!! Finally!! That partition has XP on it, right?" I said, "Hell no. It's a storage drive, is all. XP is on fat32." Oooh, the look he must have had as he read that... he growled, "Grrrr." hehheh

Anywho, back to the fresh install. She's operational. I installed XP, Office, mobo drivers, ACDSee, PhotoShop, Picasa, Sketchup, Nero, scanner software. I discovered my video was choppy and I was missing things like dual-screen display options. Was discussing this with that ntfs fan friend of mine and finally I said, "Oh. You know what? I know what's wrong. I never installed the video card drivers." Like, duh. So those were installed, problem solved. Then I couldn't find the /right/ options. They were in the video card's software, but I was used to selecting my displays right inside Windows' display properties. Which worked better, believe it or not. So we're discussing this problem when duh! I realized I must have to reboot. Some things in Windows never change, right? I rebooted, problem solved. I then realized I was seriously lacking something crucial to my well-being: KeyText 2000. I installed it, configured, and voila, perfection. Except...

My other apps. Well, I've been selective about installing things because I'm so portable-oriented now. So instead of my favourite Mozilla, I finally caved and really tried out Firefox. It works beautifully. Instead of AF5 Renamer, I found a couple others - one sucked royally; it wanted a whole folder to rename and it was all clickity clickity. (You know how I am about clickities.) The next one took me a bit longer to find but it was worth the effort. FlexRenamer73. I downloaded this slick little puppy and found it to be slightly more difficult to understand than AF5, but definitely just as powerful. If not more so! It not only does the familiar drag-and-drop operation, but it can rename with date /and/ time, right down to the second. I don't remember if AF5 can do time so easily, but this new proggie was what I needed, so I plopped that into my portables folder and created a KeyText shortcut to it.

I love KeyText. Have I ever mentioned that? If not, I love KeyText. I really do. It's awesome. Everyone should buy a copy.

Currently the programs INSTALLED on Raven include:
Canon scanner software

PORTABLES I'm using in lieu of installed programs:
Process Explorer
Winamp (yes, this is portable now!)

More on the way!!!!!


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