Fallen but lifted

So, yesterday, Aflac comes home, his eyes all aglow. I was so happy to see him and gave him big hugs and all that mushy yucky stuff and he proceeded to tell me about his day.

Earlier that morning as he left for work, I told him I was headed into town later and wanted to know if he needed anything at a store. He was like, "Oh! Yeah!! Cream cheese??" I said okey dokey. So later on I did my thing and stopped at Kmart to look for a cushion for the driver's seat of my truck (my back hasn't been happy for a year, I think it's Dante's "lumbar support"). Didn't find one, but I remembered the cream cheese and thought, maybe Kmart carries it? So I got some there. As I passed the pet aisle, I remembered that he'd mentioned a few days ago that he was out of Kitty Litter. So I located the kind he uses and picked that up, too. Then I found myself a gorgeous green faux suede/fur blanket and proceeded to the checkout. (I guess I was particularly domesticated yesterday. Me finding "linens" I just "couldn't live without." Shudder. LOL.)

He later called me to woefully explain that he'd been detained at work longer than he'd wanted and it was likely to interrupt our movie plans. Both of us really wanted to see Pirates of the Caribbean, but I said, "That's okay, we can go see it next week. Do you want some dinner when you get home?" We ended up working out that he'd get some dinner at about 8:15, and we'd leave for the LATE movie at 9 or so after some mutual computer time.

When he got home, he was excited because he'd recalled needing kitty litter after he'd left but had no way of asking me to pick that up, too. So he gets home... has food waiting, a happy people to come home to, and sees kitty litter sitting in the living room. I can see why he'd be happy, but his happiness was making me happy. Then he went on to explain how awesome it is that I'm so understanding. He'd been worried that I'd be upset about potentially missing the movie because we'd made plans to watch it and he knew how much I wanted to see it. Then he said he wanted to take me for ice cream just before the movie. We ended up leaving a bit early...

This is yet another reason I love him so much - he appreciates my efforts to help him out, and is always finding ways to help me out, too, even if it's as simple as treating me to ice cream.

In my head is a growing list of reasons why I'm so lucky to have found this person of the utmost awesomeness:

~ He's got beautiful eyes; innocent yet not inexperienced, sweet but not weak, intelligent but not cocky, and playful with an element of seriousness. And above all, they're honest, none of that layerlike appearance that so many other people have.
~ He's kind, thoughtful, understanding, and flexible.
~ Where we have a difference of opinion, we typically use logic to make decisions. It's not his way or the highway, and I appreciate that more than anyone could know.
~ He appreciates my intelligence and sees me as his equal partner in every way.
~ He appreciates the little things I do for him (and notices them, too, imagine!).
~ He likes to do things for me and loves to see me happy AND remembers the "little" things a lot. (Not a "typical guy" trait, nor one of mine until he came along, imagine!)
~ He doesn't /expect/ anything of me and respects my independent streak.
~ He seldom says anything negative about anyone.
~ He's smart and geeky in a sporty sort of cool way, like, it never seemed obvious to me, because he's into sports and is very fit and active, yet he's very knowledgeable about computers and other such gadgetry. I like the seeming contradictions and the well-rounded nature he's got.
~ He's always challenging himself and learns from everything he does. Very inspirational.
~ He doesn't pretend to fully understand where I come from when he doesn't, but offers support when I'm down no matter what.

And that's just the blatantly obvious stuff...

Oh, and just a funny sidenote... this hits me every now and then. I remember years ago never understanding the whole toilet seat thing. Women get so upset over that. I always figured that it was kind of unfair really, because a guy lifts the seat to pee, then he has to put it back down again, and thus women never have to lift or set it back down. Besides, why was it so hard to check before sitting? So I thought the best solution is to simply require the whole household to put the COVER down once finished. This serves two purposes: 1, everyone does exactly the same thing when they use the toilet and finish, therefore, it's not sexist in any way. 2, having the cover down prevents things and critters from falling into the bowl. Well, I never thought I'd need to worry about such things and in truth, I don't. I always check to see if the seat is down and the cover up before I sit, and generally speaking, I've never had critters that would fall in, and I tend to keep objects away from places I don't want them go. It's called being responsible for oneself and it's something I find seriously lacking in today's world. But how delightful it was to discover that HE puts the cover down!! I readily adopted this procedure as my own, mainly for the reasons above as well as for respect toward his existing habits, especially since I had none of my own to really speak of. I also discovered it kind of makes the bathroom look better, and offers a nice place to throw clothes onto when you're ready to shower.

A tiny thing, really, but it was just cool that he already had a habit that I always thought was a practical one.

Have I mentioned lately how awesome this guy is?



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