Lyric Writing

Yesterday I got a response from a coworker about the possibility of writing lyrics for him. He's been complaining for years that he's not happy with his own writing and wishes someone could write for him. Yet he's ignored my offers to do just this. Until yesterday, when I blatantly sought out his reasons as to why. (I don't pretend that the closest I can get to being good at music is writing poetry. Byte me.)

His thoughts were that while he appreciates my writing talents, he feels lyrics are *completely* different from poetry, stories, etc. Yeah? Point being? Thinketh thou that moi can't adapt?

WELL! He challenged me to copy the styles of six songs (which he sent me the words to). He pointed out a few places he appreciated, which utilized some awkward forms of word play, and indicated that this is what he wants to learn himself. Thus my job was to try to mimick that sort of thing in my attempts. Then he jokingly said he wanted all this "by tomorrow." Heh, yeah, well, I'm notorious for pushing myself when someone acts like something is way above my capabilities. So I got two done last night and four this morning. I await his response.

Let me tell you... trying to mimick someone else's work without being outright parody-like is difficult to begin with if that's what you're setting out to do. (I've often done it by accident, but never completely on purpose.) Also, I showed Aflac the first two I wrote and he commented that there were too many big words. Hard rock doesn't use big words. GR! He was probably right, so I wrote the last four to reflect this.

That brings me to my biggest challenge. Writing simply. I didn't realize how limited people are in their writing when they don't have the vocabulary I do. It's harder than it looks, it really is. I had to rewrite some things a couple times to keep things "dumbed down" or whatever you want to call it, and found that I had to change my ideas around repeatedly to keep the flow.

So much for self-expression in this new endeavour. But if it works, it works. I will need to work on the word twists, though. I think I did well with one of my first two, but if no one understands the vocabulary, it's moot point for all but the more literary. Twisting common words around is difficult, indeed. So much less to work with. Egads... but give me time, I'll improve.

I do feel that I accomplished the task of at least trying. I've yet to hear his response on my work, but I'm proud of the fact that I managed to find inspiration in the lowest of places just to bring this about. And as even he said, it takes 10 bad songs before you write a good one. I've now done six (at least lyric-wise). That gives me some time before I can officially be labelled as dead weight in the music department.



Oeufs en cocotte

Well, Blogger.com is once again having some technical difficulties (or rather, I am), and I've got a need to write, so I shall write in my log and post later. I just finished washing my truck and putting Rain-X all over the windshield. That stuff is awesome. Rain-X is one of those things, though, that agrees with the saying, "Less is more." You put on just a little bit and work it in, let it dry, get as much as you can get off in two hours of back-breaking circular motions, and for two months afterward you never realize it's raining until your road gets washed out and a million houses are swept away in the current. You put on too much, and you get scuff marks all over your windshield that block out the three suns we've been noting in the sky lately. (For those of you who had to run out to look, you probably have too much Rain-X on your windshields. We still have only one sun. When it's not raining, that is.)

Anywho, Dante looks gorgeous again. I also tackled the inside of the windshield with some glass cleaner because last night I kept seeing Mac trucks and comets coming at me. Uh, Mack trucks... apparently Aflac's Macs are too fresh in my mind these days... But it turned out there was a film on the inside of the glass and it was causing sun and headlights to glare so bad I thought aliens had descended upon my truck and decided to do an inspection of their own.

Enough about my driving and cleaning expeditions. I got back in the house, grabbed a cold drink, and settled in front of my computer to check email. (I know, I can't believe it either.) Lo and behold, I get an email from the Hamster Lady. That be the woman who gave me Sandy and Peaches. She must be insane for doing so, because they are the cutest little critters... but anyway, she thanked me for the update on their most recent adventures. Then she added that I should get a boy hamster so I could have babies. (Of course it took me a second to realize she meant /Sandy and Peaches/ could have babies, not me...) This, after I'd written her, telling of how Sandy is a carpet/door/washcloth digger and how bold and fearless she is. Now, quiet little scowling Peaches, maybe, but can you imagine /Sandy/ having babies??

I can see it now:

Sandy Juniors running all over town digging under doors, ripping washcloths, tearing up socks, invading gardens... they'd be scarier than bunny wabbits!! This town (and probably the surrounding areas) would never be the same!! People would be driven from their homes, livestock would flee, birds would permanently migrate...

I replied back and told her that birth control [i.e., abstinence] is a goooooood thing. Besides, there's only one Sandy anyway. I'd hate for her to give up even a moment of her plundering to hammiebirth. That would be almost as bad as me giving up a minute of computer time to blow-dry my hair. Completely unnecessary, therefore a waste! That's really all I had to say. I think I'll take a swig of water, check water and food supplies for all the critters, and see if I can remember how to get Blogger to come up again. It's either firefox, my firewall, or me... probably the latter.

Oh, to explain the title of this post, though... I learned how to make Oeufs en cocotte. Don't ask me how to pronounce that. It's a french name that refers to what we apparently call "shirred" eggs. In other words, you drop two eggs in a lightly greased, small glass bake dish, sprinkle on seasoning, add a tablespoon of milk to prevent drying, and pop in a preheated 325F oven for about 15 minutes. The recipe said 12-14, but mine needed 15. It's not exactly the hottest oven... it was good, and perfectly cooked, with a nice thick but runny yolk. It also slid very nicely out of the baking dish with only a bit of effort. Methinks it was like a cross between fried, poached, and hardboiled. I like all three so I'll be making this a lot more often (plus it's extremely easy to clean up after).

Okay, THAT was all I had to say. :)



Hamstrous Will

I stayed up late last night and let the hamsters loose in my playpen, and after a while of watching them around the wires, came to the conclusion they’re not wire biters. But Sandy found the door and tried to squeeze under it. She was way too fat but I got nervous so I pulled her away. OMG!! She held onto the carpet with just her front claws, those itty bitty little things! It was like in the cartoons when you see the Master trying to pull the Cat out of a doorway! Worse than velcro!! “No, no, no, no, no! I wanna go out there!!” I’m like, “Noooo, you don’t, there’s a cat downstairs!! Stay!!” “No!! Let me go!! Let me GO!!” She’s so wriggly that I had to really get a grip on her whole body to get her away from there. Then I put her back in the cage where she ran around like a caged animal (hey, imagine that), going, “Lemme outta here!!” If she had a tin cup she’d probably have banged it against the bars…

I let her out again a few minutes later when she quieted down, and she ran around for a moment only to look at the door – and run right toward it again. I’d put a pair of my pants against the crack to disuade her, but it only infuriated her. Dig, dig, dig, the next thing I knew the whole thing had been pulled away. No holes, thankfully, but then she started digging at the carpet in an attempt to go under again. More tantrums, back in the cage.

Five minutes later, she realized she needed to behave. So they were both out for a while after that. But then she got it right back in her head again, so I put both of them in for the night. By then it was about 3am and I was tired anyway, worried I’d forget them.

Egads, critters are so amusing… and I knew Sandy had a strong will but I had NO idea JUST how strong until last night!! LOL!!



Cream Of Wheat

Gracie, the rat, has discovered Cream-Of-Wheat. I admit it was rather comical, albeit messy.

I had cinammon toast, cream of wheat with blueberries, and a cup of Ovaltine for breakfast a short while ago. Gracie's cage was open on my desk as is customary before I leave for work. She first smelled my toast, and promptly came out looking for a treat. I gave her some and soon she was done toting it all back to her stash pile in the cage.

So I gave her a few gloppy lumps of cream of wheat and waited to see what she'd think of it. She sniffed, tasted, and proceeded to pick up a lump.

Uh, tried to. It fell apart. She got this perplexed look on her face and tried again with one of the halves. That fell apart, too. She tried again, slowly, as if she figured she was biting this soft mushy stuff a bit too hard. She managed to get it off the plate only to have it halve itself on my desk. Several tries later, she managed to push a tiny little gloppy patch up against the glass of the tank and get it to go over into her stash. She ignored my hysterical laughs and continued to do the same with the rest of the gloppy trail, which ran all the way back to the plate.

At least I don't have to clean it up!

And people think I'm nuts for having a rat. I tell you, these little creatures have more creativity in their tails than most people do in their whole bodies. They are so smart!!




This is one heck of a learning curve for me this week. Mom emailed me today to see if I was all right, because I had seemed stressed when we went up to visit her. In her typical analytical approach to my psychological well-being, she attempted to back up her theory with examples.

I feel liberated today. In the past, I would have taken offense to this. I would have assumed she was trying to manipulate me or was trying to control my feelings somehow by telling me how I felt. But today, I read through the whole email, and picked out only those portions which were actual questions rather than symptoms. I answered the questions first. Then I explained the "symptoms" to her.

The liberating part isn't just that I managed to look at the email rationally and logically, but that I was also able to look at her choice of words as who she is and how she views things, rather than as accusations and manipulation meant to hurt me. Instead of feeling controlled, I felt like like myself. Thus I was able to rationally and truthfully explain to her why I was stressed without worrying about incurring her wrath or disapproval. I knew that no matter what she said to the contrary, she could not argue with how I knew I was feeling, because she's not me.

And just as I was sending her the email, she called me with the same concerns. It amazed me how friendly she sounded and how my feelings remained happy and calm. I know her parenting may have caused part of my negative reactions to things, but I also know she did the best she could and that she's not the same person she was when she was trying to hold our little family together. It's not like she's going to give me "that look" for knowing who I am. Who could? And even if she did, so what?

A very close friend of mine once said that people cannot MAKE you feel anything you don't want to feel.

He was right. It is us ourselves who create our own hells. We may have a lot of help with the construction, but it's still our choice to sit in the middle of the fire.


Drudging up the past

Drudging up the past is not one of my favourite things to do these days, but I think if I write all these thoughts out it will help me to dispel any remaining angst I still harbour towards myself and others due to this particular sequence of events.

A couple years ago, I met this wonderful person at school (who I will call Bill for some reason unbeknownst to me). He and I became friends, and rather close friends at that. Now and then I sensed that he wanted more than friendship, but I was afraid that we'd ruin our friendship so I tried to send kill signals. But as time went on, I began to realize that I loved him more than I wanted to. So I set it in my mind to figure out if he might still feel the same. I suspected it, but wasn't sure if perhaps he'd made up his mind to just be friends, too, out of the same reasons maybe. So it took me a few months to get up my nerve.

One day I finally decided I would tell him within a week or so, when the time was just right. A few nights later it seemed it might be perfect, but we ended up going to see a movie with some friends of his. I got along fine with them, although I felt they were too female for my taste. (I.e., gossipy, that sort of thing. Although one was kind of into computers, she really wasn't that geeky yet.) I also found out one of them was pregnant. Her boyfriend dumped her when he found out. I hate jerks like that. But anyway... the pregnant girl and I ended up alone together and she asked me if Bill and I were going out. I said no. She asked why, because we seemed pretty good together. I said it was kind of complicated, but that I would like to be going out with him and was in love with him but hadn't gotten up my nerve to tell him yet. Then she admitted that she thought he was kind of cute. Warning bells went off in my head but I didn't listen to them. I'd already kind of realized that perhaps I shouldn't have told a complete stranger to me and a friend to Bill that I was in love with him. That was my mistake. I should have told him first, no one else.

Bill dropped me off later that night, then left to drop her off. Apparently that night she told him all I'd said. Some other comments were made and he was left with a rather sudden and completely unexpected choice to make.

A couple months went by, torturous ones. Her and I either tried or pretended to be friends, I still haven't figured out which. She tried to explain her reasons for telling him and I agreed she had her reasons, even if I disagreed with how she was handling the situation. Not that I was doing any better. He tried to explain why he couldn't choose, and I really couldn't understand his point of view because I thought he was in love with me, too, and if he were, the choice shouldn't be difficult considering this other friend of his had only come back from school a few months earlier. Deep inside I knew he and I were not right for each other, but I fought it. It had taken me so long to get to the point of telling him my feelings that I felt I really couldn't just back down based on one pregnant girl's decision to tell him how I felt before I could tell him myself. But even then, I had an inkling that things were happening for a reason. It just didn't feel very reassuring at the time. And to make things worse for me, I had a strong feeling that he and this girl were perfect for each other. Figure THAT one out. Sometimes my feelings and my reasoning/intuition are on such opposite ends of the spectrum that I want to scream. But looking back on things, my brain and gut instincts were very correct. It makes me glad that I'm still working on the feeling piece, because you never know when your feelings are going to be dragged through the mud again.

I ended up dating one of his friends as he started dating her. His friend and I had a lot of problems. I tried to make things work, and I did care for him as a human being. But I never really fell in love with him. I created all sorts of illusions in an attempt to convince myself that perhaps I /could/ fall in love with him. But the guy simply wasn't my soul-type. In addition, I felt put down all the time. He often told me how I was feeling rather than asking how I felt, and I resented that. I won't place blame on him, though. He was reacting to a very correct feeling that I was still in love with someone else. It doesn't mean he had the right to treat me the way he did, but I can certainly understand where he was coming from. And I certainly had all freedom to leave sooner than I did.

Well, I got fed up with the whole "love triangle" and decided I wanted out of everything. Bill and I pretty much lost our friendship for obvious reasons. Not only was his new girlfriend jealous of any time he spent with me, but I wasn't exactly happy with him, either, and it came out in a myriad of ways, some of which apparently hurt some people. Dating his friend wasn't doing any good for anyone involved, least of all his friend and I.

As it turns out, his friend (my boyfriend) had told me I needed counselling and recommended someone. I was so sick of feeling like crap that I decided I'd try his suggestion. There I found a wonderful counsellor who started helping me put myself back together, and with even stronger glue than I had used before. Within a couple of months I said goodbye to the whole mess, left my boyfriend behind, and went to work exploring myself in greater depths than I ever thought possible. I learned a lot and started to figure out who I was for the first time in my life. And I decided that I'd get my license. Despite a lack of instructors in the area, I found one. I got my license. Then I bought my truck.

And while I was doing all this, Yahoo sent me this email warning that I'd have my old personals profile deleted if I didn't "click here." This is how I accidentally met Aflac, the love of my life. Life hasn't been the same since, and I'm very glad for it.

Well, I ran into Bill yesterday, and all these memories came tumbling back one after the other. I felt a bit shaky as we talked because of the past, but things felt good between us for the first time since everything had transpired. I knew I had let things go and put it behind me. It seemed that he had, too. And I told him how hurt I'd felt back then, and he admitted that he could now understand why I said some of the things I said, and I admitted that I wasn't an angel in the whole situation, either. But we agreed that things worked out for the best in the end, because now he was a happy father and boyfriend to the girl, his friend had found his soulmate and was married, and here I am, with Aflac radiating his wondrous luminescence so that it lights up the best parts of my soul.

I started to wonder if his girlfriend and I could ever make it as friends and after some thought, I've realized we probably couldn't, even if given a chance. It's not because of our short history, but because we're not similarly-minded people. There must be something similar because Bill was once attracted to both of us, but for the most part, we're not particularly compatible as friends. I sense that I can tolerate her and even care for her as human, and that's about it. Not much different from when we first met, actually.

Anywho, I don't know if Bill and I will ever get back to where we once were. I'm guessing probably not. But it's nice to know that it felt like perhaps we could. We've missed each other's friendship terribly, and I'd long regretted having entertained thoughts of more with him because of what happened. But I do not regret having found myself or Aflac, so if I had to lose Bill as a friend in order to get to this point in my life, I'm glad it happened. I guess Garth Brooks is right when he says that just because God doesn't answer a prayer, it doesn't mean He don't care. I aim to remember this lesson every time I run across an obstacle that seems overly daunting. Otherwise, I may forget how to fly.



Fallen but lifted

So, yesterday, Aflac comes home, his eyes all aglow. I was so happy to see him and gave him big hugs and all that mushy yucky stuff and he proceeded to tell me about his day.

Earlier that morning as he left for work, I told him I was headed into town later and wanted to know if he needed anything at a store. He was like, "Oh! Yeah!! Cream cheese??" I said okey dokey. So later on I did my thing and stopped at Kmart to look for a cushion for the driver's seat of my truck (my back hasn't been happy for a year, I think it's Dante's "lumbar support"). Didn't find one, but I remembered the cream cheese and thought, maybe Kmart carries it? So I got some there. As I passed the pet aisle, I remembered that he'd mentioned a few days ago that he was out of Kitty Litter. So I located the kind he uses and picked that up, too. Then I found myself a gorgeous green faux suede/fur blanket and proceeded to the checkout. (I guess I was particularly domesticated yesterday. Me finding "linens" I just "couldn't live without." Shudder. LOL.)

He later called me to woefully explain that he'd been detained at work longer than he'd wanted and it was likely to interrupt our movie plans. Both of us really wanted to see Pirates of the Caribbean, but I said, "That's okay, we can go see it next week. Do you want some dinner when you get home?" We ended up working out that he'd get some dinner at about 8:15, and we'd leave for the LATE movie at 9 or so after some mutual computer time.

When he got home, he was excited because he'd recalled needing kitty litter after he'd left but had no way of asking me to pick that up, too. So he gets home... has food waiting, a happy people to come home to, and sees kitty litter sitting in the living room. I can see why he'd be happy, but his happiness was making me happy. Then he went on to explain how awesome it is that I'm so understanding. He'd been worried that I'd be upset about potentially missing the movie because we'd made plans to watch it and he knew how much I wanted to see it. Then he said he wanted to take me for ice cream just before the movie. We ended up leaving a bit early...

This is yet another reason I love him so much - he appreciates my efforts to help him out, and is always finding ways to help me out, too, even if it's as simple as treating me to ice cream.

In my head is a growing list of reasons why I'm so lucky to have found this person of the utmost awesomeness:

~ He's got beautiful eyes; innocent yet not inexperienced, sweet but not weak, intelligent but not cocky, and playful with an element of seriousness. And above all, they're honest, none of that layerlike appearance that so many other people have.
~ He's kind, thoughtful, understanding, and flexible.
~ Where we have a difference of opinion, we typically use logic to make decisions. It's not his way or the highway, and I appreciate that more than anyone could know.
~ He appreciates my intelligence and sees me as his equal partner in every way.
~ He appreciates the little things I do for him (and notices them, too, imagine!).
~ He likes to do things for me and loves to see me happy AND remembers the "little" things a lot. (Not a "typical guy" trait, nor one of mine until he came along, imagine!)
~ He doesn't /expect/ anything of me and respects my independent streak.
~ He seldom says anything negative about anyone.
~ He's smart and geeky in a sporty sort of cool way, like, it never seemed obvious to me, because he's into sports and is very fit and active, yet he's very knowledgeable about computers and other such gadgetry. I like the seeming contradictions and the well-rounded nature he's got.
~ He's always challenging himself and learns from everything he does. Very inspirational.
~ He doesn't pretend to fully understand where I come from when he doesn't, but offers support when I'm down no matter what.

And that's just the blatantly obvious stuff...

Oh, and just a funny sidenote... this hits me every now and then. I remember years ago never understanding the whole toilet seat thing. Women get so upset over that. I always figured that it was kind of unfair really, because a guy lifts the seat to pee, then he has to put it back down again, and thus women never have to lift or set it back down. Besides, why was it so hard to check before sitting? So I thought the best solution is to simply require the whole household to put the COVER down once finished. This serves two purposes: 1, everyone does exactly the same thing when they use the toilet and finish, therefore, it's not sexist in any way. 2, having the cover down prevents things and critters from falling into the bowl. Well, I never thought I'd need to worry about such things and in truth, I don't. I always check to see if the seat is down and the cover up before I sit, and generally speaking, I've never had critters that would fall in, and I tend to keep objects away from places I don't want them go. It's called being responsible for oneself and it's something I find seriously lacking in today's world. But how delightful it was to discover that HE puts the cover down!! I readily adopted this procedure as my own, mainly for the reasons above as well as for respect toward his existing habits, especially since I had none of my own to really speak of. I also discovered it kind of makes the bathroom look better, and offers a nice place to throw clothes onto when you're ready to shower.

A tiny thing, really, but it was just cool that he already had a habit that I always thought was a practical one.

Have I mentioned lately how awesome this guy is?



Ramble No. 20060711-01.

No real subject there, just a ramble. Apparently I sing better solo than I do with music. Kitty is probably missing Aflac's attention and that's why she meows constantly when she can get away with it. I'm addicted to Sudoku. And today so far I have picked up the living room, threw out bad food, did the dishes, picked up my laundry, eaten breakfast (two potatoes), watered the lizards, recorded myself singing a few things, IMmed, met my landlady's father and his dog, and still haven't showered.

Then I got into my own blog, realized I hadn't heard from that pencil person for a while (or anyone else for that matter), and figured my blog isn't worth making a whole life out of (especially when it's either nonexistent or not as good as it occasionally is).

Anywho, in one of my posts, I discovered a PhotoShop tip and for a brief moment I wanted desperately to go play with PhotoShop. But alas, I knew better, for I still need to get showered and out to some stores. We need milk, bread, crickets, ant traps, and potting soil. I also want to use my new commando saw and cut up a tube for my hamsters. So I really don't have the time to go play right now. Sigh!

Then I started thinking again about another post I'd written about what's important. I try so hard to never take things for granted and to appreciate all I've got. I do have so much more than most people. I'm so lucky...

Anywho (again), I have no clue what I was going to write about other than the above, so I'll end this here for now. Over and out!



Musical Abilities

Okay, so here I go again. I'm in the singing mood.

This started because I got to hear a demo version of Man In Me by Joseph Williams. Yes, he was one of the song's writers, and yes, Peter Cetera sang it on his own album, "World Falling Down." But this version is actually Joseph Williams!! :)

He's pretty good, and for some reason I wanted to sing along. Then I got into a conversation with a friend about music stuff. I was telling her how my mom and I were discussing how she thinks I can do anything and it "makes her sick." I had tried to tell her that music is still not my forté and that the only reason I do so many things well and she doesn't is because I'm driven enough to force the issue if it's not easy up front for me.

While in the midst of saying this to my friend, she informed me that she thinks I /am/ good at music. I continued to disagree, saying my only musical talents are arranging - and that comes only in spurts. My singing, on the other hand, no matter what I do, is very touchy and I'm simply not talented whatsoever. Then she sent me this link.


Now, I don't know if this will still be available for you to listen to now or not, but it's a live version of If She Would Have Been Faithful by Chicago. Jason Scheff and Bill Champlin are singing in it.

My poor earballs. The album version of this is pretty darned good, but for Chicago to be performing this live with this horrible quality made me look like an angel when it comes to singing.

I will never again tell myself I've failed to learn how to sing! Thanks to my good friend for setting me straight... lol



Cars (again, this time all Toyota)

Yes, again. I can't help it. I got my license, got a truck, and I've been obsessing over vehicles ever since. To make matters worse, I now have even more options in my future, because I learned how to drive a manual transmission over the weekend. Not exactly /easy/ mind you, but certainly not difficult to the point where I'm terrified of buying my own manual transmission some day down the road (no pun intended, haha).

Anyway, today's cars:
Toyota Camry SE (titanium silver or whatever it's called)
Toyota Matrix XR or XRS (silver streak mica!)
Toyota Yaris Liftback (I like the design, the options are lacking, but for $10,000 what can you ask for?)

Currently the Camry SE is on my high favourites list, but I was planning to spend LESS than $25,000 for my next vehicle, so it's kind of a fallback in case nothing else comes around by the time I DO get another vehicle. Assuming it's still around itself. Another problem for me, however, is that given the fact I get so attached to nice cars, I shouldn't ever EVER get a camry because I'll want to keep it forever (like my truck). I realllllly don't want to end up with three vehicles and prove once again that Mom is right about me having to have three of everything. Besides, can you /imagine/ the cost of maintaining so many vehicles?? Two will be bad enough!! I could easily have my own car dealership if I bought everything I wanted... LOL

Now, I realize all these are Toyotas, but trust me, I've been looking at other brands, too. It's just that I happened to see a Camry SE on the road the other day (though I swear it was an XLE with a rear spoiler) and I said, "Whoa... wha's thaaaaaaaaat??" When I saw it was a sporty version of the Camry, of course I fell in love with it immediately. The Camry is just such a beautiful, sweet car. My instructor taught me in one and I will never forget it. I kind of have a four-tier desire for vehicles: Tacoma because it's got everything I'd ever want for storage options and it drives like a car; Camry because it's such a pleasure to drive and even looks nice; smaller, sportier, gadget-oriented cars that can zip in and out of traffic; and then the SUV type, simply because, well, they're like a truck without the tonneau cover, and most offer gadets up the ying yang.

The downside to most of my desires is gas guzzling, which is yet another reason I want a small car, not to mention cost. My truck certainly gets me to where I want to go (except in tight parallel parking spots, because I'm too afraid to keep trying). It's served me well over the last year+, helped me move myself and others at least four times, is handy for throwing "dirty" stuff into the back and not ruining the interior, and offers just a foot shy of enough space inside for all my carry-around-emergency stuff. If I got a cap or something to keep the back somewhat protected, that space of course would be increased VERY much. I want a cap but I'm told it reduces visibility and is a bad idea. I suppose I could live with a tonneau cover, especially if it was easily removable. (The idea is to have a /taller/ back as well as more enclosed space, but if cover is removable, can get taller space again.)

Yeah, I think that before I shop for a new car, I'll get some sort of cover. Maybe once I have that, I won't even want another vehicle. Then again, now I want to drive a standard. But that phase may pass if I get to drive Aflac's car every now and then for practice.

I'm so glad I'm so in debt. This is the sort of thing I might plunge into without thought... LOL



Oh, and for some wonderfully awesome news, I now have two new additions to my little critter family. Their names are Sandy and Peaches, and they are two young female Syrian hamsters. These are in addition to Gracie the Rat, as well as Lancelot and Guinevere (my two green anoles). I'm going to attempt a couple pictures here. :)

Files Be Gone

Yanno, I was just starting to like Windoze again. But then I redid everything... and went to put my 200GB drive in which contains all my pictures... and it wanted to do an error check on drive J. Which is the drive with the pictures. Now, error checks are fine, but I happen to recall from experience a point in time when I'd used Partition Magic on this drive. When I rebooted, Windoze did an error check. While in progress, I was informed that certain directories were being deleted. I was horrified and couldn't stop it because it was already in progress, so I rebooted the computer, skipped the error check, and found several directories were indeed missing! However, their /space/ was still being utilized.

I booted into Mepis and sure enough, the directories and files were still there. Go figure. I used Mepis to copy all files to a good partition and rebooted. Windows still wanted to do the error check on the same drive, but the files were recovered and Windows could once more see them. Deleted my butt.

Well, I wasn't about to let this happen again before I attempted to save the files ahead of time. However, despite skipping the error checking, half the files were ok and half look like an alien from outer space got to them. They're all boxes and weird ASCII characters, some of which I didn't even know existed.

I booted into my EBCD (since the Live CD versions of Mepis, Kanotix, and Knoppix will not allow you to write to your hard drive without some special tweaking which I've forgotten how to do)... vóìlá! Copied files to another Windows drive. Now Windows can see them just fine, so I then moved them to their new "proper" location. This will take a while, but I figure a few overnights should fix my problem. Then the drive is getting freshly formatted and repartitioned properly, which it hasn't enjoyed since I used Partition Magic while Windows was running.

Now granted, I probably screwed up my own hard drive, but why is it that Windows is the ONLY operating system that can't understand the drive's table? Explain that to me...
