tempeh, anyone?

I've heard of it before; in fact, a really really close friend once served it to me in a sloppy joe. I was quite impressed with the sloppy joe but never asked for the recipe per se.

Well, it's hot and humid today. This is the time of year when my tastebuds decide to get weird on me and start demanding new and different (and oftentimes "odd") foods to sample. Stopped at the store today and picked up some garlic and chocolate soymilk (I had a coupon for the soymilk, yay) and then headed over to the food co-op. There I found more garlic (not as nice-looking, but I think the wear on it looked more wholesome somehow). I also found some green onions, dried papaya, dried apricot, and - get a load of this! - TEMPEH.

Tempeh is made of soybeans. It's basically ground-up soybeans all packed together into a kind of soy patty (much like a cooked hamburger). I chose the garden veggie variety, so obviously they somehow merged little pieces of veggies in there, too. Got it home, read directions (feh!), and fried some in a little bit of olive oil mixed with cumin, paprika, and turmeric.

Once that was all fried up and browned (not to mention a bit orangey from the turmeric), I took it out of the pan and added my quarted garlic cloves, a few pine nuts, and some chopped green onions. When those were slightly sautéed, I added some water and chicken broth, let them simmer until almost soft, and added my usual (well, usual as of recently) frozen corn and fresh spinach. Then I chopped up and added the tempeh again. Tabasco sauce sprung to mind, so I splashed a few drops of that in, mixed well, and let the remainder of the liquid boil out until almost none was left. Then I dumped everything on my plate, poured a nice cool glass of chocolate soymilk, and gorged myself.

Surprisingly, I don't yet have room for the chocolate chip muffins I'd planned to have after dinner... bummer!

Oh! And in other news, mefounded a T8 Torx Security bit at the hardware store today. A friend and I were trying to take apart an old dead harddrive the other day and couldn't find a small enough torx in my collection of tools. Well, next time there's a need to pull apart a hard drive... mwah hah hah!

Maybe I'll eat a muffin anyway... ::wicked grin:: AND WILL MY NEIGHBOURS PLEASE STOP HITTING THE FREAKIN' WALL?! I swear one of these days my picture is gonna fall off the wall and land on top of my puters... or worse - knock out some cables!!

Tastebuds happy now with exception of wanting chocolate chip muffins,



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