Yep! It was launched this past Monday. The site is www.techietutorials.com. It's an online teaching site. You'd have to read the page to really get an idea of what that means, but in summary, I plan to help people learn about their computers by using a program called WinVNC. Right over the internet, in real-time. Cool, huh?

Well, it is. I've already experienced a couple setbacks, well, not setbacks, but obstacles. The first was with the site itself. I had it all happy and then I checked it out away from home and discovered the centering was gone, and the paypal link wasn't working properly. So, I had to fix that. Mozilla's great, but you want to make sure you proofread all the html before unleashing it! I had to add a horizontal center attribute to it.

Anyway, the main concern I'm currently having is that perhaps I'm being too difficult for my clients already. I had written this nice, long instruction set on how to install VNC and get the IP address I need to tap in, but then I realized just how long and complicated it was when I put it into html format. Then one of my first clients seemed to think emailing me was enough for me to tap into her system. That made me realize that people will not understand how it works, even with all the explanation in the world. So, I decided to look for an autoinstaller to help me out a bit.

I discovered AutoIt, which is also free software, and it seems to work very well. Took me most of tonight to figure out the scripting (which I'm new to). After several trials and errors, I'm now satisfied that my first script will install VNC on my client's pc without any fuss. It's mainly getting people to understand that I need their IP address that's the problem now, I'm sure.

Regardless, I've got my own business, the site's been up for almost a week now, I've had several hits... all word-of-mouth, but still! MY OWN BUSINESS!! I don't anticipate a large volume of clients right away, but I do think it'll take off sometime down the road. One nice thing is, just because they saw my site, a couple people have asked if I do websites for people, too, which I most certainly can! In fact, I'm doing one for someone right now. I'm sure the business will sprout before I know it. n the meantime, I'm keeping my part-time job, lol!

Well, I'm dead-tired, so I'm gonna conk out here for a bit and then conk out on my bed where I /should/ conk out. ::yawns, head disappears::



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