checkout time

I went shopping earlier today for some apples and whipped cream. Don't judge my odd assortment of goods! Anyway, I saw the wine rack and decided that I hadn't had wine in a LONG time, so I might as well indulge myself a little. Well, I had to hand the young cashier my ID of course, didn't think much of it. She studied it and handed it back to me, entering my DOB in the computer. Used to that. My order happened to come to $11.00. Yes, eleven bucks EVEN. I hadn't had that happen in a while, and small things amuse small minds like mine, so I was ecstatic and as I handed the exact amount to the cashier, I exclaimed to the much-older bagger, "Wow! 11 bucks even!! THAT doesn't happen every day!" I got my receipt back and the older lady says, very seriously, "You look under 21." I was still so excited I barely noticed. "Yeah, actually I'm 27. Can you believe it?! 11 bucks EVEN!!" "You don't look 27. You look like you're under 21." STILL overly excited over the 11 bucks even thing, I simply beamed at her and said, "Gee, thanks!" I then swiped my bag and left, swept away in the cool amount of the bill.

No one came after me, but I realized after several minutes that the lady didn't /appear/ to be giving me any compliments. So, either she suspected I was underrage for drinking alcohol, or she had a very good poker face about giving compliments. Not that it matters...

Anyway, I'm near-dead tired, so I'm heading off to bed shortly. Laters, all!



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