Trying NOT to build a new computer...

I've been browsing TigerDirect.com and I'll tell you, it's getting /increasingly/ difficult to avoid building a new computer for myself. It's horrid! The prices at that place just are NOT all that bad, and omg, there are even a few dozen items with rebates on them, making it an even more worthwhile place to be shopping right now. The thing is, I'm trying to /save/ money, not /spend/ it!

There's a bundle there that I've been seriously looking at. The case is absolutely gorgeous despite it NOT being an Antec. It's a Chieftec Black Mini Dragon case, with a front panel to cover the drives... it features a quick-release drive cage (which is why I love Antec cases!), front USB, and best of all (aside from being black and having the aforementioned) - it has a clear side panel!! Exactly what I want!! And the bundle also includes a rather nice Athlon XP-oriented motherboard AND a 400watt power supply with a blue led fan!! All for $150 (plus there's a $50 rebate, which brings that down to about $100)!!

But then... the processor I'd have to get for that puppy would HAVE to match the 400FSB, so that would cost me around $200 or so... and of course I'd need a hard drive, dvd-rom (or at least a cd-rw), video card (motherboard doesn't have onboard video, which is fine because I think it's nigh-time I have a decent video card so I can see the difference)... I suppose I /could/ get a lower-end Athlon processor, but what a waste if I did! But I /could/ upgrade later, I really could... ::indecision indecision:: I *hate* feeling bad about spending money!! After all, Selene functions perfectly. I really don't /need/ another computer right now. But if ANYTHING ever happens to Selene... !! Banish that thought!! Nonetheless, my other puters aren't exactly fast. They'd be able to support some surfing for the parts for a new computer, but egads, they're so much slower than Selene... Eeeek! And I've been soooooooo bitten by the building bug. It's been getting worse over the last few months. Common sense tells me to wait until next year and simply buy a nice laptop from IBM or Dell. And I really should wait. But oh... this would be /such/ a welcome addition to my little puter family... I've always wanted Selene to have a "little" brother, and then built Deacon, and then he went and died on me. AND I have the *perfect* name in mind for this one. Of course I'd have to build it before I'd know if it would fit, but don't you think I should have a computer named "Dante"?! I love that name...

Bugger. I shouldn't be surfing these sites. I must have decided on building /something/ or I wouldn't have even looked. Drat. Well, maybe I'll see if I can find that case alone and add a slightly more affordable cpu and motherboard. Yeah. ::fingers trot off to post this and find tigerdirect again::

Feeling highly geeky today,



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