Granted, it still looks kinda funny, but it's DELICIOUS!! Not bad for my first blueberry pie. First pie of /any/ sorts, actually... The crust is all flaky and crunchy on the outside (a bit less so beneath the pie, but good nonetheless). A pie server would have made my life a little bit easier getting the stuff out of the pan. Didn't stick whatsoever, though, and despite a few berries finding their way out back onto the pan or a couple neighbouring slices, it really did hold together very very well. (I'm quite surprised; I was expecting a big mess.) Methinks I might bring a few slices in to school tonight since I'll never be able to eat all this anyway. I've already left Mom a couple messages telling her she has to try some and that no, I didn't use anything weird in there. (She hates my "herbal" cooking... to me, it's gourmet, to her, it means living in the bathroom if you get my drift. I hope I stay used to my herbs and spices because I don't intend to stop using them just because of a little stomach upset.)

Tastewise, it's... interesting. I think next time I add a touch more lemon juice than I did this time. I can't place my finger on this slight hint of what it tastes /like/ but I /think/ it's reminiscent of puke or something rancid. I used fresh butter so that's not it. Yet once you swallow the stuff, the aftertaste is good. (Usually that would be bad, not good - really good taste with BAD aftertaste). Weirdness. Oh, did I say it tasted /good/? Well, surprisingly, it /does/ taste good... just with that odd hint of puke or whatever it is. I just keep thinking maybe one of my ingredients was off a little bit. ::thinks:: Couldn't be...

Anyway, overall, a very good creation on my part. Too bad about the hint of puke, but the main flavour detracts from that enough to make it edible, and as I said, the aftertaste is good, and the crust is downright awesome. I think I'll have to buy more refrigerated Pillsbury crusts. I might just have to bake the crusts by themselves... haha! Just like the pie but without the filling - I could cut them in half, put them on cookie sheets, brush with egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about five or ten minutes. Quick, easy, and omg soooo crunch and delish! Yay!

Stuffed-with-pie homemaking geek,



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