Juno rules, yet the PCI cards are trying to escape!!

Juno finally released local access numbers in my area again!! YAY!! Now if my DSL ever goes out I'll still have dial up to check email with, etc, and no long-distance charges.

It's a good thing I do check each time they mention that they've added new numbers all over the nation, because when I went to install my modem I realized that windows wasn't banging it... which first made me think I must have taken it out or something. So I looked. Sure enough, the modem's ports showed. /That/ got me nervous, so I opened the case and lo and behold, the same thing happened to the modem that had happened to the NIC - the card had worked its way out of the PCI slot.

However, 's all good this time. Pushed it back in and it still worketh. I can only wonder if that's because it's been working its way out while /not/ being used, unlike the NIC, which was actually /half-way/ out of it's slot by the time the intermittent problems became an issue. Perhaps non-active-use and not-quite-being-THAT-far-out of its slot saved this one. Kewlness.

Checked the soundcard while I was at it, and sure enough, that puppy was trying to millimeter its way out, too. Pushed that back in as well. MY PCI CARDS ARE TRYING TO ESCAPE!! What, not happy with Juno ruling the email around here or something? Zheezh... and to think even the soundcard sides with them!

Stranger than usual today (eating barley, quinoa, and amaranth with thyme-seasoned-oil for one thing),



beef, rice, and potatoes, OH MY!!

I just had a surprisingly great amount of success with dinner today!! I tried something highly unusual for me - putting raw beef, canned chicken broth, dry rice, dry quinoa, dry amaranth, and raw potatoes in a glass dish, adding spices, and baking for about 45 minutes. It's VERY good. The broth infiltrated the rice, quinoa and amaranth, which absorbed some of the broth and cooked... I'd placed the meat fat-side up and what didn't melt into the broth fried itself into the spices (caraway, coriander, dried cilantro, southwestern mix, a touch of sage)!! It's DELISH!! I suppose this might be considered a bisque or something. It reminds me of this lobster bisque that a puerto rican lady made once, only without the lobster (thus much much better). A bit more soupy perhaps, but wow, the flavours are so good...

Oh! I forgot the sweet potatoes!!! MUST have those!! ::trots off to find can of sp's::

AH HA!! YUM!! And I found some iced tea!! WHOO HOO!! Time for din din!! ::does happy din din dance::


Newsletters finally published, yay!

Heh, I realized that I was a *tad* bit behind on the geek newsletters, so I backtracked and finished them. I'll tell you, Mozilla is sooooo awesome for those things.

Anyone interested can go to my site, and follow the "newsletters" link to "Mind Your Pixels." That's the name of the newsletter and I'm TRYING to publish these on a monthly basis for now.

One of these days I'll get an actual domain name and forward that thing to it... lol



Audacity / hdogg220

Yanno, I have to say, Audacity is an awesome program. So's hdogg220 for that matter! Woke up WAY too early this morning, you see, because I fell asleep early last night in front of the TV. X-Files came on at some point and apparently roused my attention; I woke up just in time to see the last ten minutes and then Gremlins 2 came on and scared the bejeezus out of me. (I know it's a cute movie, but it still has suspense in it. Shut up.) Of course by this time my attention turned to Selene, so on she went. Browsed IBM laptops for a while, then realized I've been meaning to convert some tapes to mp3. Since I have the next few days off, I decided to go ahead and begin that nice time-consuming project.

On went HDOGG220 and all the necessary audio tweaks to get the sound levels connected and correct. Every time I do that it's a PITA because I do it so seldom that I have to relearn the tweak places for the sound card. Ten minutes later I had that all figured out and tested. Sounded good, so I began recording my first tape: Animal Logic.

To convert these things to MP3 is a bit roundabout. I LOVE hdogg because it's not only standalone, but it's also an easy app to use. You open it up, put a suitable name and path in the file box, and hit a button. Instant recording, and when the first song on the tape ends, you can hit this one little scissors button and the program automatically creates and continues recording a new file for the new song.

Of course, I still like to cut off the silence at both ends wherever it happens to occur. Plus, sometimes I forget to click the scissors button and so I end up letting two songs sit together in one file. Ugh. That's where Audacity comes in.

Audacity is similar to Cakewalk in my eyes, but a LOT smaller. Like hdogg, it's a standalone program and very small despite being full of useful features. I open a box with all my newly-created ogg files, and drag and drop one onto Audacity. There I edit the song a bit. One song had been cut off prematurely (I remember doing that, too). Ack! I highlight the last part of the song and go into the effects menu. There - BEHOLD!! - within that menu is a beautiful little effect called "fade out." No more re-recording. Let's just shorten the song! hahaha! So now the song is a bit shorter, but still sounds professionally recorded.

I then finish editing and save the song as a .wav just for fun. I'll be converting that to mp3 using dBpowerAMP once I'm done with the rest of the album in Audacity. (Note: another awesome program is dBpowerAMP!!)

::happy sigh:: I love these awesome programs. Thus far the finished songs sound just like the tape, or so close I can't tell the difference. And the nice thing about converting and recording stuff is that I don't dare to use much on Selene, so my house gets cleaner whilst I wait...

Musically geeky and very efficient,



Trying NOT to build a new computer...

I've been browsing TigerDirect.com and I'll tell you, it's getting /increasingly/ difficult to avoid building a new computer for myself. It's horrid! The prices at that place just are NOT all that bad, and omg, there are even a few dozen items with rebates on them, making it an even more worthwhile place to be shopping right now. The thing is, I'm trying to /save/ money, not /spend/ it!

There's a bundle there that I've been seriously looking at. The case is absolutely gorgeous despite it NOT being an Antec. It's a Chieftec Black Mini Dragon case, with a front panel to cover the drives... it features a quick-release drive cage (which is why I love Antec cases!), front USB, and best of all (aside from being black and having the aforementioned) - it has a clear side panel!! Exactly what I want!! And the bundle also includes a rather nice Athlon XP-oriented motherboard AND a 400watt power supply with a blue led fan!! All for $150 (plus there's a $50 rebate, which brings that down to about $100)!!

But then... the processor I'd have to get for that puppy would HAVE to match the 400FSB, so that would cost me around $200 or so... and of course I'd need a hard drive, dvd-rom (or at least a cd-rw), video card (motherboard doesn't have onboard video, which is fine because I think it's nigh-time I have a decent video card so I can see the difference)... I suppose I /could/ get a lower-end Athlon processor, but what a waste if I did! But I /could/ upgrade later, I really could... ::indecision indecision:: I *hate* feeling bad about spending money!! After all, Selene functions perfectly. I really don't /need/ another computer right now. But if ANYTHING ever happens to Selene... !! Banish that thought!! Nonetheless, my other puters aren't exactly fast. They'd be able to support some surfing for the parts for a new computer, but egads, they're so much slower than Selene... Eeeek! And I've been soooooooo bitten by the building bug. It's been getting worse over the last few months. Common sense tells me to wait until next year and simply buy a nice laptop from IBM or Dell. And I really should wait. But oh... this would be /such/ a welcome addition to my little puter family... I've always wanted Selene to have a "little" brother, and then built Deacon, and then he went and died on me. AND I have the *perfect* name in mind for this one. Of course I'd have to build it before I'd know if it would fit, but don't you think I should have a computer named "Dante"?! I love that name...

Bugger. I shouldn't be surfing these sites. I must have decided on building /something/ or I wouldn't have even looked. Drat. Well, maybe I'll see if I can find that case alone and add a slightly more affordable cpu and motherboard. Yeah. ::fingers trot off to post this and find tigerdirect again::

Feeling highly geeky today,



Food eaten, awaiting dessert

I just finished eating some halibut and veggies with a side of leftover soup. WHOO HOO! See, of course I *forgot* to eat after that last post, but then the food people delivered this month's order of food, so... well, I'd never tried their halibut before! It was pretty good albeit a tad expensive for my taste. No pun intended. Ha. Ha. Now I'm awaiting the Cherry Pie I have in the oven.

You know what? I've actually GAINED four pounds in the last two weeks!! I can't believe it!! I mean, I /have/ been making a habit of eating French Toast almost every day (and I mean at least two slices if not four)... but really! FOUR POUNDS?! I feel it, too. The first two pounds I hardly noticed, but it's definitely settling upon me now. Not that I'm worried. The next two weeks I'll probably lose it again. I just never realized I actually did gain weight during my two "eating everything" weeks until I bought that scale.

Currently listening to that Goa-Psy trance stuff now. I think it's trying to rewire my brain into thinking that I shouldn't go outside during such gorgeous weather. OMG!! MY LAUNDRY!! Gotta go shut off the oven and scoot off to fetch my laundry out of the dryer!!

Then I have to study for my test tonight. (Not that I will, haha, but I have to nonetheless.)

Blessedly geeky,


Digitally Imported (di.fm)

For all of you out there who like trance, techno, hardcore, eurodance, house, dj mixes, chillout, classical, and modern-jazz music, there's an awesome site that a fellow student brought to my attention recently. It's a radio website called Digitally Imported and can be found at http://di.fm. I'm not sure how modern jazz music fits in with techno (classical I can almost see), but... whatever. The point is, at least there a good site out there that has LOTS of techno music. The perks of the site are threefold in addition to some cool music: 1, you can load the stream with winamp and keep it as the only thing in your playlist (thus, whenever you hit the PLAY button of your logitech black elite keyboard you get techno FAST with no website loading)... 2, (at least with winamp) the artist and title show up so you can note anything you really really like and must buy for yourself... 3, it's almost continuous music - I have yet to hear a commercial or ANYthing but my classmate told me it /does/ mention the station's name every so many hours... I think every 12 or 24 or something... has he listened to it THAT many consecutive hours or did I miss something on their site that mentioned that?

Anyway, cool beans. I'm off to find food methinks. Starving. Yep. Food necessary.

Feeling very geeky today whilst listening to some very nice Eurodance,




Granted, it still looks kinda funny, but it's DELICIOUS!! Not bad for my first blueberry pie. First pie of /any/ sorts, actually... The crust is all flaky and crunchy on the outside (a bit less so beneath the pie, but good nonetheless). A pie server would have made my life a little bit easier getting the stuff out of the pan. Didn't stick whatsoever, though, and despite a few berries finding their way out back onto the pan or a couple neighbouring slices, it really did hold together very very well. (I'm quite surprised; I was expecting a big mess.) Methinks I might bring a few slices in to school tonight since I'll never be able to eat all this anyway. I've already left Mom a couple messages telling her she has to try some and that no, I didn't use anything weird in there. (She hates my "herbal" cooking... to me, it's gourmet, to her, it means living in the bathroom if you get my drift. I hope I stay used to my herbs and spices because I don't intend to stop using them just because of a little stomach upset.)

Tastewise, it's... interesting. I think next time I add a touch more lemon juice than I did this time. I can't place my finger on this slight hint of what it tastes /like/ but I /think/ it's reminiscent of puke or something rancid. I used fresh butter so that's not it. Yet once you swallow the stuff, the aftertaste is good. (Usually that would be bad, not good - really good taste with BAD aftertaste). Weirdness. Oh, did I say it tasted /good/? Well, surprisingly, it /does/ taste good... just with that odd hint of puke or whatever it is. I just keep thinking maybe one of my ingredients was off a little bit. ::thinks:: Couldn't be...

Anyway, overall, a very good creation on my part. Too bad about the hint of puke, but the main flavour detracts from that enough to make it edible, and as I said, the aftertaste is good, and the crust is downright awesome. I think I'll have to buy more refrigerated Pillsbury crusts. I might just have to bake the crusts by themselves... haha! Just like the pie but without the filling - I could cut them in half, put them on cookie sheets, brush with egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about five or ten minutes. Quick, easy, and omg soooo crunch and delish! Yay!

Stuffed-with-pie homemaking geek,


Blueberry Pie


I had a hankering for pie this morning, so I decided to drag out the Pillsbury Pie Crusts that I'd bought about a month ago. Cherry Pie filling happened to grace my cupboards, but I wasn't sure I was in the mood for that. Then I was cleaning out my freezer thinking about it and noticed the bag of frozen blueberries in there. WHOO HOO!! THAT was what I wanted!! (Freezer now only slightly cleaned out.)

So I scout out a blueberry recipe. I found one from from Absolute Recipes. I've yet to try it since it's currently baking in the oven. Then I'll have to wait about two hours before I can devour. haha! I'm a poet and I didn't know it! (No wait, actually, I did know it...)

Anyway, the recipe was easy enough, except for the crust part. Yes, I know I said I used the pre-made crusts... /making/ the crust certainly wasn't difficult. The difficult part was figuring out how the heck one is supposed to get it even in the pan. Keep in mind this is my *first* pie, so please pretend not to notice how one side has this long overhanging piece of crust and the other side is rather short. Keep in mind also that I had to use a nine-inch /cake/ pan since I didn't have a glass /pie/ plate. Ugh. Well, this is an interesting experiment to see how incorrect cookware combines with inexperience.

In other news, last night went by way too quickly. It's interesting how doing absolutely nothing can sometimes leave you feeling as if time has passed by faster than when you're incredibly busy and "productive." Weird. I suppose it depends on how much you enjoy what you're doing (even if it's nothing). Maybe I should do nothing more often. Then again, by the time I'm fifty (assuming I make it that far), I might have changed my view of what's important to me in life and I might begin thinking, "OH NO!! I'VE DONE /NOTHING/ WITH MY LIFE!! AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!" ::shrug:: Then again, doing /something/ might cause this thought at age fifty: "OH NO!! I'VE DONE /SOMETHING/ WITH MY LIFE!! AND LOOK WHERE IT'S GOTTEN ME!! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELAXING ALL THAT TIME!!" Can't even win hypothetically...

Well, I'm starving, so I think it's time to make some french toast and grab a glass of chocolate soymilk. Hmm. Liquid. Methinks I'm getting dehydrated or something. Keep wanting liquids...

Feeling geekishly homemakerish,




But only because I threw in the towel and gave up. Some geek I am.

After six days of perseverance eventually giving way to hopelessness, Scotty is back up and running on Windows 95, on his old hard drive. This is the breakdown of my frustrations and successes:


01. Day off. YAY! Should clean house. Nah. Absolutely DETEST cleaning house. Would MUCH rather work with my computers.
02. Scotty is a Compaq DeskPro 5133 with 74MB of RAM and a 1.2GB hard drive. Decided to upgrade him to a 40GB hard drive. Unfortunately, his age wasn't up for that.
03. He refused to see the hard drive. (How surprising.)
04. Discovered that Scotty would no longer boot off my floppy boot disk. Evil Scotty.
05. /Would/ boot off Compaq diagnostic diskette and Maxtor hard drive diskette. /:|
06. Used the latter to force Scotty to recognize hard drive. Success.
07. Now floppy boot disk is bootable again. 8-|
08. CD-ROM drive is no where to be found. >:-|
09. Swapped out CD-ROM drive to one known to be compatible with boot disk.
10. CD-ROM recognized! Changed to that letter successfully! :-D
11. Couldn't /access/ drive. >:(
12. Screamed. Hoped neighbours wouldn't call cops on me.
13. No cops showed up. Stopped sweating. Continued work.
14. Researched concept of making network bootable diskette. Found Bart's (www.nu2.nu).
15. Created boot disk, seemed to be working... :)
16. Could not seem to get proper driver for integrated NIC. >:-o
17. Threw another fit.
18. Still no cops. *phew*
19. Gave up for night, shut down Scotty, felt slightly bad at fan whirring down. %-(~~~~


01. Went to work. Got home. Looked at Scotty. Sighed.
02. Continued researching network drivers for that NIC. }:|
03. Calm geekiness ensued despite repeated failures. *sigh*
04. Gave up for night. zzzzzzz


01. Went to work. Got home. Looked at Scotty. Growled. Turned back on him.
02. Played with Selene. She's my GOOD computer. Ha ha! So there, Scotty! >:-P
03. Went to bed. zzzzzzzzzzzz
04. Scotty main character in horrible nightmare. Woke up screaming and thrashing to avoid being eaten by mom-hating computer. Prayed cops would not be called.
05. Went back to sleep. No cops.


01. Day off. Yay! Perfect opportunity to go shopping and forget about Scotty! Outside daylight hurt eyes, but fluorescent lights of various stores helped alleviate that.
02. Thoughts went back to evil computer anyway. Bought NIC card in hopes it would help.
03. Installed NIC card into Scotty and prayed fervently.
04. Created driver cab file for Bart's boot disk.
06. Began installing Windows 98 from Darin's CD-ROM drive, which I shared. :D :D :D
07. Reboot. Realized without network disk, could not continue installing Windows.
08. Cried at own stupidity.
09. Formatted hard drive.
10. COPIED Windows setup files from Darin's CD-ROM drive to one of Scotty's partitions.
11. Began installation again.
13. Screamed VERY loudly due to high level of frustration. Shut Scotty off with slight satisfaction, ignoring pitiful sound of whirring down fan.
14. Went to bed, avoiding any and all dreams of computers.


01. Day off. YAY!! More shopping!! Ate at Wendy's, too, had baked potato and salad, VERY good. Stomach happy. Noticed that outside daylight no longer hurt eyes. Figured out what "fresh air" means.
02. Got home and looked at Scotty with increasing resentment.
03. Decided to clean house.
04. Turned Scotty back on with much hesitation.
05. Realized with a start that not all files copied over despite recollection of all of them transferring. Shouted obscenities.
06. Still no cops. Beginning to think neighbours are deaf.
07. Turned up music.
08. Still no cops. Perhaps assumption in #6 is true after all.
09. Shut down Scotty with a hate-filled smirk. Immensely enjoyed sound of fan whirring down.
10. Watched premiere of "Tripping The Rift" on Sci-Fi channel. Laughed a** off. Forgot about Scotty completely.
11. Fell asleep in front of tv. Ah, just like the good ol' days before I knew computers existed!
12. Drooled in ear, woke up, shut off tv, got drink of water, went back to sleep.


01. Woke up refreshed. Gorged on French Toast, THE comfort food of comfort foods next to cheesecake. Glanced over at Scotty. Frowned semi-determinedly.
02. Turned Scotty on with great reluctance and hatred.
03. Copied Windows 95 files over to yet another partition.
04. Installed from partition. Seems to be... working? /:|
05. Disbelief as Windows begins to boot up happily.
06. Scotty reboots several times as Windows finishes detecting and installing hardware.
07. He hangs as Windows itself is ready to finally load to desktop.
08. Windows vibrate with blood-curdling screams.
09. Cops still do not show up. Perhaps whole town is deaf?
10. Shut down evil, nasty, filthy, sneaky, tricksy computer whilst continuing to mutter gross obscenities under breath.
11. Swapped hard drive out with old one.
12. Reset BIOS to factory defaults.
13. Rebooted.
14. Stupid thing actually works. No longer care.
15. Opened blog to write this.
16. Beginning to feel better now that whole world knows how mean Scotty is to his momma.
17. Take that, Scotty!! HA!
18. Beginning to hear song in head: "They're coming to take me away, ha ha, they're coming to take me away, ho ho, hee hee, ha ha! To the funny farm! Where life is beautiful ALL the time! And I'll be HAPPY to see them nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me AWAYYYY haHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!"

I hate computers. At least, one of them...

Geeky failure,



stooopid integrated nic

All right, all right, so I'm not as bright as I thought I was. This NIC issue is beginning to drive me insane. I even found a Compaq network boot disk with drivers on it, and the thing seemed to detect the NIC, but then it failed on me anyway!! I /know/ the nic works because Windows was using it, unless of course something happened to it while I was putzing around in there. I'm about to swap out the hard drives again and see if the poor thing will work as it did before. Not really sure at this point given the CDrom issue I'm /still/ having. Hm. Maybe I should try some form of a direct connect... haha. NOT. My only other option is to copy directly to the hard drive within Selene, but I'd rather NOT do that because she's already been through enough of those hard drive swapouts as it is. She works so well I'm afraid to open her case anymore. Three years is a good age for her to simply be cared for instead of picked apart every chance her "mom" gets.

Ah, but there are some more difficult (and more expensive) options. I could buy a new NIC and install that, that way I would KNOW I had the right drivers at least. Or I could buy one of those hard drive enclosures that could run off a USB port on Selene. I could certainly copy the o/s setup that way. There's always more than one way to force a computer to do your bidding (assuming it's /possible/ to force the issue at all)...

Last night Mom was over and we had some very enlightening conversations about our interactions and our spirituality. It finally dawned on me (for the umpteenth time actually, but this time I listened and explained it to Mom somewhat successfully) that we -- are -- the -- same -- but -- different. While our personalities can be very similar (strongwilled, controlling, thoughtful, knowledge-hungry, spiritual, egotistical and self-centred amongst less pronounced traits), our brains simply do not run in the same way. I liken it to computers (how surprising). While I have a 32-bit-bus where my thoughts run parallel to each other all the time but at varying speeds depending on which unit on my motherboard they're accessing, she's got an 8-bit bus where information needs to be a tad bit slower and more logical and applicable. In other words, I think a million miles a minute and she thinks about only a few things at a time. In addition, our operating systems are entirely different. While she's off in Windows land reorganizing everything she learns into an application database with links to "how-to-and-why" files, I'm tossing all manuals aside, recreating the data itself to suit my own custom-made operating system, building drivers from scratch, and constantly installing new software not to apply what I've learned so much as to accumulate yet more data in the most logical, creative, adaptable and efficient way possible. Processing will come later for me (such as when I have a dire need to apply the knowledge directly).

Somehow, despite my roundabout way of applying knowledge and her more direct way, we tend to arrive at many of the same conclusions. But then in order to communicate this to each other we have to remember to go through all seven OSI layers to ensure proper translation. Somewhere in this process, however, our Presentation layers often get all confused and thoughts do not get converted back properly. Maybe ASCII and EBCDIC are not compatible after all. Or perhaps we have a bad cable between us, who knows. But on the rare occasions that we do feel we understand each other, we have loads of exciting fun.

Thank goodness we're running off the same voltage, for if we weren't, we'd need yet another adapter just so we could visit each other...

Well, I'm off to prepare for a trip downtown. This NIC business has my head spinning and it wants to get out in the open air for a while. Since I need some groceries anyways, I might as well indulge it. Computers will likely be here when I get back. Maybe I'll pick up a NIC while I'm at it. Can always use it later even if it turns out to be useless for my current need.

Feeling thoughtfully geeky since determination has not yet left me and thus failure is not yet certain,



Argh! Networking is great, but...

...try doing it with DOS. I did it once, but can't for the life of me remember how. Been playing with DOS all day long today. It all started out with swapping out Scotty's hard drive with Deacon's old Maxtor (40GB). Being an old Compaq, Scotty didn't like that idea, so I spent a couple hours researching how to force the issue. After tinkering in the BIOS a while he stopped booting off my boot disks but /would/ boot off the diag diskette and the hard drive diskette (go figure THAT one out). Finally got the hard drive working and suddenly he boots off floppies again. Whee. Then he refused to see the CD-ROM so I had to figure out which drivers he wanted for that. Ended up swapping out the drive with another one, and for some reason he could see the drive but wouldn't list the contents of the disc in there (which made me start thinking ESD may be an issue and I should have waited for spring to do all this). The CDROM issue led to my wanting to once and for all figure out how to make a bootable network disc that will connect to Darin. More research, and that's what I'm still working on. I finally got the network boot disk created, except now I don't know which driver the NIC wants since it's not a card but onboard. The one I thought would be closest isn't working. I'm having oh-so-much-fun. I think my best bet right now is to d/l one from driverguide and cab it myself...

Oh, the perils of wanting to use a larger drive in an old computer and actually thinking it would be /simple/... yanno what I did to it, though? I partitioned it into TEN PARTITIONS of 4GB each!! Don't ask me why... methinks I merely liked the roundness of the number 10. Plus, my intent was to use it for varied program and file storage, so... (guess I got that, huh?)

I know, I know, I could have simply installed it as a slave drive, right? WRONG!! Scotty didn't want to do that, either. BTDT. I definitely need some more french toast. Too bad I have to work in the morning... I've only got a few hours left before I should sleep, and I doubt I'll fix this whole mess by then. And tomorrow I have class after work. This really bites. I need to take a vacation so I can spend every waking moment for a week or so doing this stuff... I WILL PERSEVERE!!! If Scotty thinks I've kept him on that table for nine months so he could /roll/ his drives at ME he's got another thing coming! I'll /roll/ his little motherboard onto the floor! He don't know who he's dealing with. I'll beat him til he can't hum anymore! (doing lousy Cosby impressions over here; wouldn't really beat computer)

Well, off to find more food to feed the geekiness in me! Then back over to driverguide I go!
