But only because I threw in the towel and gave up. Some geek I am.

After six days of perseverance eventually giving way to hopelessness, Scotty is back up and running on Windows 95, on his old hard drive. This is the breakdown of my frustrations and successes:


01. Day off. YAY! Should clean house. Nah. Absolutely DETEST cleaning house. Would MUCH rather work with my computers.
02. Scotty is a Compaq DeskPro 5133 with 74MB of RAM and a 1.2GB hard drive. Decided to upgrade him to a 40GB hard drive. Unfortunately, his age wasn't up for that.
03. He refused to see the hard drive. (How surprising.)
04. Discovered that Scotty would no longer boot off my floppy boot disk. Evil Scotty.
05. /Would/ boot off Compaq diagnostic diskette and Maxtor hard drive diskette. /:|
06. Used the latter to force Scotty to recognize hard drive. Success.
07. Now floppy boot disk is bootable again. 8-|
08. CD-ROM drive is no where to be found. >:-|
09. Swapped out CD-ROM drive to one known to be compatible with boot disk.
10. CD-ROM recognized! Changed to that letter successfully! :-D
11. Couldn't /access/ drive. >:(
12. Screamed. Hoped neighbours wouldn't call cops on me.
13. No cops showed up. Stopped sweating. Continued work.
14. Researched concept of making network bootable diskette. Found Bart's (www.nu2.nu).
15. Created boot disk, seemed to be working... :)
16. Could not seem to get proper driver for integrated NIC. >:-o
17. Threw another fit.
18. Still no cops. *phew*
19. Gave up for night, shut down Scotty, felt slightly bad at fan whirring down. %-(~~~~


01. Went to work. Got home. Looked at Scotty. Sighed.
02. Continued researching network drivers for that NIC. }:|
03. Calm geekiness ensued despite repeated failures. *sigh*
04. Gave up for night. zzzzzzz


01. Went to work. Got home. Looked at Scotty. Growled. Turned back on him.
02. Played with Selene. She's my GOOD computer. Ha ha! So there, Scotty! >:-P
03. Went to bed. zzzzzzzzzzzz
04. Scotty main character in horrible nightmare. Woke up screaming and thrashing to avoid being eaten by mom-hating computer. Prayed cops would not be called.
05. Went back to sleep. No cops.


01. Day off. Yay! Perfect opportunity to go shopping and forget about Scotty! Outside daylight hurt eyes, but fluorescent lights of various stores helped alleviate that.
02. Thoughts went back to evil computer anyway. Bought NIC card in hopes it would help.
03. Installed NIC card into Scotty and prayed fervently.
04. Created driver cab file for Bart's boot disk.
06. Began installing Windows 98 from Darin's CD-ROM drive, which I shared. :D :D :D
07. Reboot. Realized without network disk, could not continue installing Windows.
08. Cried at own stupidity.
09. Formatted hard drive.
10. COPIED Windows setup files from Darin's CD-ROM drive to one of Scotty's partitions.
11. Began installation again.
13. Screamed VERY loudly due to high level of frustration. Shut Scotty off with slight satisfaction, ignoring pitiful sound of whirring down fan.
14. Went to bed, avoiding any and all dreams of computers.


01. Day off. YAY!! More shopping!! Ate at Wendy's, too, had baked potato and salad, VERY good. Stomach happy. Noticed that outside daylight no longer hurt eyes. Figured out what "fresh air" means.
02. Got home and looked at Scotty with increasing resentment.
03. Decided to clean house.
04. Turned Scotty back on with much hesitation.
05. Realized with a start that not all files copied over despite recollection of all of them transferring. Shouted obscenities.
06. Still no cops. Beginning to think neighbours are deaf.
07. Turned up music.
08. Still no cops. Perhaps assumption in #6 is true after all.
09. Shut down Scotty with a hate-filled smirk. Immensely enjoyed sound of fan whirring down.
10. Watched premiere of "Tripping The Rift" on Sci-Fi channel. Laughed a** off. Forgot about Scotty completely.
11. Fell asleep in front of tv. Ah, just like the good ol' days before I knew computers existed!
12. Drooled in ear, woke up, shut off tv, got drink of water, went back to sleep.


01. Woke up refreshed. Gorged on French Toast, THE comfort food of comfort foods next to cheesecake. Glanced over at Scotty. Frowned semi-determinedly.
02. Turned Scotty on with great reluctance and hatred.
03. Copied Windows 95 files over to yet another partition.
04. Installed from partition. Seems to be... working? /:|
05. Disbelief as Windows begins to boot up happily.
06. Scotty reboots several times as Windows finishes detecting and installing hardware.
07. He hangs as Windows itself is ready to finally load to desktop.
08. Windows vibrate with blood-curdling screams.
09. Cops still do not show up. Perhaps whole town is deaf?
10. Shut down evil, nasty, filthy, sneaky, tricksy computer whilst continuing to mutter gross obscenities under breath.
11. Swapped hard drive out with old one.
12. Reset BIOS to factory defaults.
13. Rebooted.
14. Stupid thing actually works. No longer care.
15. Opened blog to write this.
16. Beginning to feel better now that whole world knows how mean Scotty is to his momma.
17. Take that, Scotty!! HA!
18. Beginning to hear song in head: "They're coming to take me away, ha ha, they're coming to take me away, ho ho, hee hee, ha ha! To the funny farm! Where life is beautiful ALL the time! And I'll be HAPPY to see them nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me AWAYYYY haHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!"

I hate computers. At least, one of them...

Geeky failure,



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