Argh! Networking is great, but...

...try doing it with DOS. I did it once, but can't for the life of me remember how. Been playing with DOS all day long today. It all started out with swapping out Scotty's hard drive with Deacon's old Maxtor (40GB). Being an old Compaq, Scotty didn't like that idea, so I spent a couple hours researching how to force the issue. After tinkering in the BIOS a while he stopped booting off my boot disks but /would/ boot off the diag diskette and the hard drive diskette (go figure THAT one out). Finally got the hard drive working and suddenly he boots off floppies again. Whee. Then he refused to see the CD-ROM so I had to figure out which drivers he wanted for that. Ended up swapping out the drive with another one, and for some reason he could see the drive but wouldn't list the contents of the disc in there (which made me start thinking ESD may be an issue and I should have waited for spring to do all this). The CDROM issue led to my wanting to once and for all figure out how to make a bootable network disc that will connect to Darin. More research, and that's what I'm still working on. I finally got the network boot disk created, except now I don't know which driver the NIC wants since it's not a card but onboard. The one I thought would be closest isn't working. I'm having oh-so-much-fun. I think my best bet right now is to d/l one from driverguide and cab it myself...

Oh, the perils of wanting to use a larger drive in an old computer and actually thinking it would be /simple/... yanno what I did to it, though? I partitioned it into TEN PARTITIONS of 4GB each!! Don't ask me why... methinks I merely liked the roundness of the number 10. Plus, my intent was to use it for varied program and file storage, so... (guess I got that, huh?)

I know, I know, I could have simply installed it as a slave drive, right? WRONG!! Scotty didn't want to do that, either. BTDT. I definitely need some more french toast. Too bad I have to work in the morning... I've only got a few hours left before I should sleep, and I doubt I'll fix this whole mess by then. And tomorrow I have class after work. This really bites. I need to take a vacation so I can spend every waking moment for a week or so doing this stuff... I WILL PERSEVERE!!! If Scotty thinks I've kept him on that table for nine months so he could /roll/ his drives at ME he's got another thing coming! I'll /roll/ his little motherboard onto the floor! He don't know who he's dealing with. I'll beat him til he can't hum anymore! (doing lousy Cosby impressions over here; wouldn't really beat computer)

Well, off to find more food to feed the geekiness in me! Then back over to driverguide I go!



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