You will be reinstalled. Resistance is futile.

Sorry, I saw First Contact last night... lol

Guess what?! I've finally remade Selene. Not physically, mind you... logically. You know, reinstalled her o/s and all her software. Well, at least the big stuff that I use constantly - Juno, Trillian, Mozilla, PGP, Keytext, Keyboard software, PDA stuff, Audio converstion software, Winamp... speaking of that last one, this is the best part!! I discovered that Winamp has 5.01 out now (for how long, who knows, I never have it autoupdate for me 'cause I hate software taking over on me... see http://winamp.com/player/full.php)... Anyway, I opted for that instead of my 3.whateveritwas and NOW IT WORKS WITH MY KEYBOARD PERFECTLY!! Just like the 3.8 did!! YESSS!!! So I hit the play button on my keyboard, and presto, music begins, just like that! No more "Okay, here's winamp, I /suppose/... but you have to load your OWN darned playlist 'cause I'm not in the MOOD!!" Now it says, "Oh! You want Winamp? And you want music to play NOW? Sure!! Here you go!!" ::sighs very contentedly::

I LOVE my little girl!! Selene is the GREATEST computer that's ever been built!! (Yep, I'm her mom, I can say that.) This whole install went so smoothly... and she's even stopped asking me to hit F1 upon bootup again. I swear it's related to that particular hard drive. Weirdness.

Thanks be to that defective hard drive drawer for this one. If it weren't for it doing whatever it did and causing Selene to be unable to write to windows off and on, I'd still be using the MOUSE to play songs in Winamp. ::shudder:: Now, to reinstall all my keycuts... THAT might take a while...

Oh yeah, and whilst reinstalling Juno and flipping through a few menus, I discovered these export and import options... verrrrry interesting items, so I tried them out. Yanno what? All this time I've been manually copying the whole user directories whenever I reinstall everything so I don't lose my email... the files just kept getting larger and larger... and I've been saving individual emails which takes FOREVER... ALL I HAD TO DO WAS EXPORT TO A FILE!!! ZHEEZH!! Hundreds of emails, all categorized in their own folders, each folder exported or imported in a matter of seconds!! Golly, yanno, you use a program long enough (say, 3+ years) and you figure these obvious little tidbits out! Now I can create dated archives instead of saving emails individually that I'll probably never read again but wanna keep just in case!! Now my poor program doesn't have to load all that stuff every time I open it!! YAY!! And the cool thing is, I can add to the archives by importing them, then putting more stuff in, and then exporting them again. Awesome. Then again, that would only make them bigger, and my largest atm is something close to 20MB. (That was probably a digest collection for one of my groups.)

I love computers.

Feeling very sharply techie today, and oddly content (maybe that's my second cup of Chai talking),



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