So it's late and I should be sleeping. Bite me. At least I cleaned my kitchen with the excess energy I had before I found food... maybe the food will make me sleepy? ::hopeful look:: Prolly not. :(

Anyway, the menu for tonight: My own soup combined with Campbell's Chicken Noodle, sweetened yams, bacon, and Kukicha tea. What? You have a problem with my eccentric dietary habits? Then go find someone else to watch eat!! Zheezh!!

Hehheh. ::munches on bacon, apologizing to it as she does so, then does same to yams and soup and tea:: I am getting this overwhelming feeling that I want to write some more techno music or something. Hmmm... But I won't. Oh!! I wrote a poem earlier. I suppose I oughta post it here... one sec... ::fingers fly across desk to find correct disk:: ::looks up:: What? Of course I still use diskettes! They're quite handy for visible organization of one's smaller things, such as several years' worth of poetry!! Hey! Do you want this poem or not? Yes? Good! Then sit there and let me find the diskette!! Zheezh!! ::shakes head, goes back to quick search of desk:: Ah! Here it is. One moment while I open it up-- yeah, yeah, I know it's slow. Hush! Here's the poem:

42004010951 - ©2004 WLL

The morning light shines upon
The delicate features of your face
Gently kissing my tired brow
As if I'm in another place

Hands caress my face and neck
Hair flips forward in your eyes
You bring your lips to mine, so sweet
Is this you or some disguise?

Chivalry abounds in you
I see you in another time
Where you were a courtly knight
Who put all verses to their rhyme

Mounted on a wondrous steed
Carrying a sword so bright
Trotting on the fields of dew
Sparkling in the morning light

Your lips are tender, hands so soft
Hair blows softly, eyes a-knowing
Caught within their deep abyss
I find I know not where I'm going

Touch your neck with parted lips
Your head falls back in subtle bliss
Return my touch with just a gaze
And a blazing, fiery kiss

Your eyes meet mine, a curious
And probing look into my soul
Deep in thought as if you see me
Out there on the grassy knoll

Where the horses tethered there
Neigh approval of our plight
As I wake within your arms
In the warming morning light

There. That wasn't such a horrid wait, now, was it? Well, anyway, I'm gonna finish my dinner (or whatever it is) and go chat in IM for a bit, and hopefully I'll fall asleep for a while before work. Doubtful, but... possible. At least now I'm caught up. Ooh! There's a yawn!! A small one, though... ::sigh::



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