
Okay, so for some reason I'm back on a water kick. Don't ask me why. It just began last night. Apparently my body has decided that it wants *real* hydration for a change! Well, there are worse things to be addicted to, I suppose. Note, however, that Chai is *not* one of them...

Not much going on this week [thus far]. I get to work a couple of midnight shifts [insert sarcastic enthusiasm here]. Yay. Oh, joy, oh, joy. Just what I always wanted. More sleep deprivation, crankiness, heart racing, body temperature changes, immunity deficiency, stomach problems and hallucinations. Yep. Can't wait. Just love feeling like sh**.

In other news, I think I've developed a taste for mixing music samples. Always had a knack for mixing songs together, and even pieces of songs, without missing much of the beat, but... this is closer to the real thing (whatever that is). It's a program called "E-Jay Techno 2" and I got it ... oh, gosh, almost two years ago? Wow, time flies. It was one of those Imation points offers where you only pay shipping and you can choose one of several free softwares just for using Imation brand diskettes. LOL. Seemed fun at the time, but I never applied myself to learn much about it, so it sat in its sleeve until last week when my eyes happened to stumble across its blue label. So I popped it in and began fooling with it, and lo and behold, now I've made three of my very own techno songs! Yeah! Me, the nontalented music lover! A friend of mine has heard a couple of them and thinks I should have been a sound engineer or something. I dunno. I like computers, so it would have to include them or no dice. Yanno what I mean?

Another friend of mine from school recently emailed me. Haven't heard from him in... hm. A while, I'd say. Seems he's doing well. Also heard from my best net-friend much to my delight. It was hard to find her online almost since the concert, I swear it! Then again, I've been trying to stay off IM more, too, so that certainly didn't help. I miss her dearly, especially the good old days when her and I would call each other the lowest names we could create. ::fond smile:: She's a sweetie. And no, she's likely *not* reading this. Highly unlikely, anyway. As much as I know she loves me, I simply can't imagine her finding this blog and actually reading enough of it to stumble across something about her. Hehheh. (And if she is reading this, then I meant the other net-friend! Nyah!)

I miss Spook. ::wonders where that just came from:: Spook was one of my gerbils, and she died the end of November. I've still got Lucy and Puff, but Spook was, I must admit, my favourite of the three. I know, I know, not good to play favourites, but she was black, for one thing, and her little almond-shaped eyes sparkled with gentle intelligence and insatiable curiosity. I think I'd relate my love for her to the love I felt for Dewie. Heck, I still feel love for both of them! Puff gave me a scare the other day... she was apparently sleeping or resting in the top of the tube which connects the two cages. I thought for sure she was sick because Lucy was acting strange and looking at me funny, much like they both did when Spook had died. But she eventually woke up or whatever and she seems fine now. Not sure what that was all about.

Whoa, I'm getting sleepy... too early for ME to be headed to bed, but then again, maybe not. Perhaps I'm simply looking forward to some more, um, /interesting/ dreams tonight... ::grins thoughtfully:: Gotta love the imagination!! :D

Not looking forward to midnight shift for it makes this techie feel anything but,



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