I love this stuff. Yep, I got all four 6lb plastic jars of the stuff yesterday afternoon, much to my wondrous delight. I don't know who invented this particular mixture of chai, but whoever it was, THANK YOU!!

In other news, I'm /happy/. Ooh, like, that's so totally unusual, huh? Well, it can be... lately I've been a bit off kilter. Mostly due to odd shifts, of course, but now that I've recuperated, I feel a lot like my old self again. Or rather, my old new self... or is that new old self...??!?#)($@)&*#)(@&%

Pardon me while I sit here pondering that one.

Okay, I'm back. What? Oh, actually my mind gave up on that question and began wandering around another subject which I shall not get too deeply into within this blog. They call them blogs for a reason. They're weB logs. Hello? On the web? Yeah. Anyway, let's just say it's darn, my ankle itches like the dickens... what is the dickens? I don't even know... ::stops head from spinning:: Well, I see my thoughts have returned to their usual selves as well... racing, swirling, crashing into one another, vying for my undying attention even as they blink out and turn to a new concept for analysis. ::cocks eyebrow at monitor:: Wow, am I rambling!! This is what happens when I tell myself I need to keep my literary juices flowing. "Just write whatever comes into my head," I told my fingers. Guess what? They're obeying. Hm. I don't think I intended for them to type out so /much/ of what's going on in my head. Okay. Time to get a grip. I feel like playing with my thoughts since there are so many of them... ::musters up creative side::

~*~ The Tale of the Geek, Part Two-Hundred Forty-Three Million, Fifty-Six Thousand and Twenty-Two ~*~

(How's that for a title?)

She sat there mesmerized by her cup of steaming chai, her nose quivering at the warm bliss emanating from within into the surrounding air. Her mouth watered and her eyes sparkled as she contemplated the keyboard-themed cup in all its glorious perfection; several moments passed before her hand finally mustered up enough courage to disturb the wonderful contents inside by raising the cup to her eager lips.

Sighing happily, she set the cup down and closed her eyes, letting the sticky liquid soak into her tastebuds as it slowly trickled down her throat. Warmth embraced her as it reached her stomach, and she sighed again. "Chai..." she breathed out, and opened her eyes. Suddenly she realized that her whole cup was gone and there before began these words: "I love this stuff..."

She finished typing what she'd started in her chai-induced trance and clicked POST. Then she got up to get another cup. This was to be a long, happy night.

~*~ The End ~*~

(for now)

The Coolest Chai-Addicted Tech In The House,

(yeah yeah, so I'm the ONLY Chai-Addicted Tech in the house... bite me)


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