
Darn, I'm hungry. I have no clue what's going on with me today but I wish it wasn't. Got up this morning, went to work, and the next thing I knew the room was spinning and coworkers' voices sounded all echoey like in those movies where someone's going insane. It was as if my eyes had separate brains, too - one saw one thing, the other saw another, and neither eye would speak to the other and combine the information into one image. Then my body temperature dropped to the point I HAD to put on my coat despite having a nice warm laptop on my lap. I finally gave up and decided to leave, because eventually I began conking out right there in the chair. Completely useless to myself and the laptop and certainly work. I didn't even ask, that's also unusual, just said something about 'if it's okay with you, I'm leaving,' or somesuch, didn't wait for an answer, went upstairs, conked out in two other coworkers' office, chatted a bit, and then took a bus downtown.

Had some shopping I'd intended to do after work anyway, so I fumbled around downtown for an hour or so and then came home, sleeping on the bus all the way. Upon getting home, I took turns playing with Selene and hitting my head on the desk so I finally went upstairs to read. That woke me up of course, but then several pages later I found myself nodding off again. It was broad daylight!! I NEVER sleep during daylight hours!! It's physically /impossible/, as I keep trying to tell people!! The only explanation is that I'm either sick or highly overtired. Could be the latter; haven't been sleeping much, although I have been sleeping deeply with lots of interesting dreams. Still, I fell asleep for about three or four hours... and I'm still kinda tired. And hungry. OMG I'm hungry. I turned on the timer on the stove to ensure I don't fall asleep whilst cooking dinner... which is, oddly, not too heavy and kinda weird... fried veggies, rice, and candied yams. Nope, no meat. I know, weird. Well, anyway...

I really hope this resolves itself soon. I *hate* feeling disoriented, dizzy, sleepy, and just plain out of it, especially when I've not even touched any alcohol that could account for it.

Oh yeah, and the auras... egads! I used to think I really was going crazy whenever I went into what I call "phase" (can see auras very very well, so well they sometimes trail down the hall after people, very scary)... then I read once that people wishing to see auras (go figure them people out) should relax their eyes. It also said that many people will see them best when they're sleepy, because their eyes are so very relaxed (not focused on the person the aura's on). That would explain what happened today... when I'm tired, my eyes are less focused, and it enhances (or rather exaggerates) what I normally see. Certain people have asked me if I've ever done illegal substances, and I have to admit - no. For one thing, I definitely do NOT need to go around getting addicted to such things, and for another, I don't need to go around asking for hallucinations - I already see funky things all on my own, thank you. People on drugs have no clue!

I don't even know where I was going with all this, and maybe it's not even wise to throw this on the internet, but then again I've discussed this sort of thing with friends on the boards before so it's already out there. ::rolls eyes:: Ah, internet privacy is SUCH an oxymoron... thank goodness the food is just about ready.

Sleepy and WEIRD techie with the rumbly tummy,



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