Still alive...

...barely. Had to work a couple of midnight shifts, stay late for one of them,
and then work the following day (um, 22 hours later) for 12 hours, so
I've been a bit off lately. Namely, glimpsing dark and light things
that may or may not be there, thinking the stairs are coming at me
while my feet feel like they aren't touching anything, and seeing
sparkly white dancing things when there isn't any pretty snow beneath
a street light. I really hope the light and dark things weren't real. Especially the one that smelled like skunk, considering it was in the office... and I *really* hate the things that look like shadowy people moving in my peripheral vision. The light things are bad enough.

Having called in this morning to say that I'd be coming in LATE due
to all of the above, I managed to sleep 12 hours straight and then
another three of slightly interrupted time (guy at work had to call
me back to tell me it was okay for me to come in late versus them
finding someone else).

Let's just say that I'll have worked all three shifts in a one week
period of time as of Monday when I work second shift. I am NOT a
happy camper, but after tonight's sleep I'll be slightly less weird
and a bit more... reasonable. LOL.

See, my problem is that I /can't/ sleep during the day unless I'm
VERY overtired or quite sick (such as when I have the whole-body
flu). So, despite a few hours before work when the sun had set and a
few naps at work (and don't tell me I was a bad employee or I'll bite
your head off), I only had about six hours of sleep in 48 hours.

Any complaints? Bite me. Computer troubles? /I'll/ show YOU
computer troubles. How'd one feel up your-- heh, well, anyway, I'm
feeling MUCH better now... I only need about six more hours of sleep on top
of my usual to be normal. People who say people can't catch up on
sleep are sadly mistaken. And the next time someone says it's all in
the mind, I'm going to show them what I'm like when I don't sleep for
two days...

Stupid daylight, the worst part is, no one really DOES see me when
I'm totally weirded out! As soon as daylight comes out, I'm wide
awake again! This, even though I'm in a dungeon where no daylight
exists aside from dim fluorescent ceiling lights and the lovely glow
of monitor radiation... it's always been like that, too, and doesn't
seem to be changing one single bit. I can lock myself in the darkest of closets and even put a humming computer outside, and still wide awake until daylight fades from without my building, give or take an hour. I don't know HOW my body knows what it's doing out there, but it does. Easier during winter months with the shorter days, but zheezh...

Anyway, I might actually have COMPANY tomorrow at some point so I'm going to go finish picking up the junk all over the livingroom and then I'm headed to bed. I suppose I should eat supper before then, too, huh? Yeah. Okay, I'll do that as well...

Hating all computer rooms except my own tonight - oh, heck, what am I saying, I don't hate the rooms, only being forced into them at ungodly hours, oh my God this is sad, even when I'm screwed up and hating work again I still have this undying loyalty toward computers!! UGH!! ::sigh:: Fine. Anyway...

Even feeling techiesh in my sleep (or lack thereof),



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