The Icy Steps

This is actually a true story... ::cringe::

I didn't want to go to school that day, but made myself, and just barely caught public transportation to get there, albeit the late run. 75 cents to stand up amongst jostling, cursing students who were at least two feet taller than me and had no problem proving that fact by bumping my nose with their hanging elbows. I was only glad no one farted, because that would have reminded me of this one time when I was about ten and also on the bus standing up behind this guy whose butt was right in front of my face... Anyway...

Finally, the bus stopped and I began the long trek down the path to the door of the accursed school where English teachers had nothing better to do than tell me to write about moronic things like door knobs. I pushed and shoved my way through the slow herd of wilderbeasts, slipping and sliding on the icy walkway to the best of my ability so that I wouldn't be as late for school. The other students had their fun preventing me from a smooth passing, but no matter. I got through and continued on, alone, down the walk toward the door.

The door was locked. I went back around the winding railing to shouts of "Haha, that poor sob, the door was locked" and decided to attempt a different door. The only other one nearby was the one at the top of three steps. That would work!!

Alas, I remember not how it could have happened. I approached the steps. My foot remembers only that at one moment it was settling upon one of the steps and within a second its heel was lying upon the ground, the rest of the foot sticking straight up, the body attached to its ankle lying parallel to the icy ground, thus supine; my eyes staring blankly - disbelievingly - up at the cold blue sky.

Hideously insane laughter arose from only a short distance away. Those accursed students! How dare they laugh at my demise!! I had to get away from them all. They laughed all the harder as my arms and legs flailed upon the icy ground like a cockroach lying upside down on a piece of duct tape. I could _not_ get up. With a determined breath, I slowly flipped myself over and managed to locate the metal rail attached to the evil stairs. Despite my hand freezing upon contact, it maintained its grip on this rail and with this seemingly unwilling assistance I managed to slip and slide up the stairs. My other hand took hold of the doorknob.

Laughter, even more evil than before, arose once more as I slid my way down the stairs to find the main entrance. Locked doors were beginning to REALLY irritate me. Especially those located at the top of highly icy steps which really should have been salted hours ago so that certain students wouldn't break their loser necks.

The laughing continued. It pulsated through my being, churning the anger which grew with every slippery step. I finally reached the main entrance with the stupid crowd not far behind me. They'd had a couple of opportunities to catch up to my swift feet, and they did.

I took my late pass to my first class and settled dishearteningly into the tiny chair. Suddenly my spirits rose a little bit. At least I, with my small frame, could FIT into the tiny chair. Those dopes on the bus certainly couldn't fit so well as I!! A slight smile played upon my lips in smug satisfaction. I wasn't the only one with issues.


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