Pacific Chai, 6lb Plastic Jars

Pacific Chai, 6lb Plastic Jars

This... this... THIS is cool. I got my first (and thus far only) bag of Chai, 16oz, at Thinkgeek.com for about nine bucks, and fell in love with this awesome Asian drink (okay, I'm hooked, shut up). But if you go to the above site, you can find six times that amount of chai for only $39. Six bags of the stuff would have cost me $56, at the least, $48 (I think I saw a site that sold the bags for $8 instead of $9). AND it comes in a plastic jar, soooo much easier to QUICKLY get chai out of than a clutsy bag that might be easier to (gasp) spill chai from!!

Awesome. I'm gonna be bouncing off the walls and ceilings of my house for the rest of my life, however.

Still trying to find a way to modify a folder to show the SECONDS under modified as well as the date and hh:mm... I KNOW there's a hack out there somewhere...

Trying to be techie, but ultimately failing due to folder modify obsession,



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