hairs all staticky!

My hair is standing straight up. Almost. Okay, it's standing up AND sticking to my forehead at the same time. Hmph. Probably due to the dry, cold air lately.

IT IS FREEZING OUTSIDE. Earlier I went a-shopping, and ended up waiting for a cab for like, an hour or something. ::lapses into Ed Gooberman voice::

"So, like, you know, how long is this going to take?"
"How long...?"
"Yeah, you know, like an hour or something?"
"Ed Gooberman, it can take years to--"

hehheh, I should really listen to that sometime in the near future. What? Oh! Anyway, I was outside for about an hour or so, awaiting the cab's arrival. I must have looked quite a fright - I had my LLBean coat on, Peter Cetera cap, headphones, backpack, purple fuzzy scarf, and - over all of this - my green velour cloak. It was cold outside, after all. However, I can't imagine what was going through some folks' minds. It's not often you see someone wearing an ankle-length shiny green cloak around the city. LOL. It was probably reminiscent of LOTR. Ha! Ha!

Earlier, at Wal-Mart, I was checking out and saw this note on the register that said: "I would card my own mother." Obviously it was about carding people to check their ages for tobacco product sales. "That person must have been adopted," I told the clerk, who said quite unintelligently, "Huh?" So I indicated the note and he said, "Why?" I said, "Well, since the person who would be carding a customer has to be at least 16 or so to sell cigarettes (and thus carding someone), and most mothers have to be at least 10 or older to give birth, then that means his mother would have to be of legal cigarette-purchasing age. Thus, the only logical reason for someone to card their own mother is if they didn't know their own mother. Usually, that type of person would be adopted by someone, and never have met their biological mother." I then noticed that the clerk did not seem very amused, so I added with a sigh, "And... I'm... shutting up... now..." at which he looked up and said, "That's the most thought anyone has ever given to that." At that point his look was actually somewhat thoughtful, but still unamused, so I said again, "Yeah, probably... as I said, I'm shutting up now." LOL. Well, I think my logic was fairly logical...

Anyway, I'm sleepy... maybe I'll head to bed soon. Or perhaps find my IM... hehheh

Feeling quite techie tonight,



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