My Trivia Podcast!!

Hey, it's not every day you're featured as one of three guests on such an awesome podcast... And my boyfriend and I both were featured this past weekend!! Go to http://www.mytriviapodcast.com/ to hear us at the end. Horrid to know my voice is out there being listened to (or turned off) but still, it's cool!

Anywho, *promote promote* I've been listening to this podcast for a few months now. It started because of Aflac of course, that insane person who's always finding new podcasts to listen to. Like, where does he find all this time? Okay, granted, he travels a lot at times, but still!! I guess it's just my tendency to have to listen so carefully to catch everything that throws me off the podcast trail. For me, it's not just casual listening, it's work, because I hang on every word, processing and reprocessing the sound into "text." I do subscribe to The Geekcast, though. I love that. And The Onion Radio News of course!! Then there's the Ask A Ninja /video/ podcast, Photoshop Killer Tips, and Linux Reality (sorry, couldn't find a link for this one offhand).

Podcasting is an awesome idea. And with my little Leif now in hand, I, too, can broadcast them to my truck's antenna and listen on my way to work. I discovered that the Geekcast is perfect for a one-way trip to or from work. It's like 18 minutes long, it takes me 17 to get to work! Yay!! Just leave a couple minutes earlier and sit in the parking lot when I arrive, hearing the end tail of it... :)

Anywho, signing off (for now)...



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