Stuff. Gone.

If I acquire one more item in my household I swear I'll... well, okay, I suppose it depends on what it is, but... there is stuff EVERYWHERE. All stuff I "can't live without." Bullsh**. Well, I've been slowly getting accustomed to the idea that stuff consists of a bunch of things that can, for the most part, be replaced eventually, and it has a tendency to create a large mess when you decide to haul it out, look at it, and use it or whatever.

Clothing - egads, I never thought I was much of a "typical woman" in that regard - I had already given away two or three bags of those to the Mission when I moved. All stuff I never wore because it didn't quite fit right, or it was staticky (I'm full of static, even in the summer), or it wrinkled too easily for my free and easy lifestyle, or it was the wrong colour. Well, someone somewhere can use it, so I finally said, "You know what? I keep this around because I'm afraid I won't have anything at all to wear, but why should it be sitting here going to waste when I've got enough to begin with, and can probably afford more if I /do/ need something new?" So, I bagged it and gave it away. Most of it was probably given to me, actually, because I never bought clothing until a few years ago when I discovered where to buy stuff that actually fit me. I had better luck with second hand clothing in that regard...

Well, it's spring, and once more I've been going through stuff thinking, "What AM I doing with this? I'll never wear it. Why do I have this here?" So I just stuffed yet another bag with clothing. Currently I have two pairs of zip-off jeans that I'd like to have hemmed; they fit perfectly except they're too long and the zipper part is just ON my knees. I figured they could be hemmed there and I'd have pants AND shorts at just the right length. So why haven't I had them hemmed yet? Are these going to end up at the Mission, too? I actually bought these, knowing how they fit, and with the full intent of having them hemmed. Hello... that was almost a year ago... egads, self, get with the program.

Also, I've been buying those three-drawer carts lately from Kmart. They're awesome for storing stuff. If I'd had these when I was little, and I mean, like LINING the WALLS of my room, my room would never have been so messy. And if I'd had a scanner, I wouldn't have accumulated so many boxes of paper over the years. I would have been too busy developing organizational systems.

Moral to this story? Stop collecting so much stuff. It just takes up space. As for the stuff you already have, get drawers and line the walls with them. Then spend the next five years organizing it all.

And ironically enough, Weird Al's version of "I Want It That Way" just came on. Its subject? Ebay, the epitome of stuff-collecting (I should know, I've more than one item obtained from ebay...)



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