On a sidenote ...

... that whole thing I'd posted about on May 4th (which I just read for the first time after blurting it out through my fingertips)... well, it was indeed resolved within a couple days after that posting. First off, I was getting over it, and then Aflac said something that I questioned, so we ended up talking about quite a bit. My hormones calmed down, I came to my senses, he came to his, and we had an awesome talk in the process. Don't need or want kids, but the conversation brought us closer together.

I honestly do not understand how people can stay with people when they don't get along even half as well as Aflac and I do. It scares me to think of how many folks are miserable in relationships. Things occasionally take me a couple days or so to put forth, but eventually I do and I always feel sooooo much better. And Aflac is always so supportive of my feelings, and acknowledges when things aren't quite awesome between us. I don't think I have ever known anyone so reasonable and respectful in my whole life.



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