Whisper by Evanescence

Friend was over yesterday and we were sitting here trying to figure out what the Latin was saying at the end of this Evanescence song... we FINALLY figured it out with the help of various sites on the 'net!!

The little chant at the end is:
"Servis a peliculum; Servis a maleficum."

It means: "Save us from danger; Save us from evil."

Not a terribly bad chant to say in everyday life, I'd say. LOL. ::wonders who in that band took Latin, whilst also feeling jipped over not having taken Spanish AND Latin in high school instead of just Spanish::

Anyway, just had to share. It's such a powerful song, and that last bit just adds so much more to it. It /makes/ the end of the song, really, which is why we were so gung ho to figure out why it was so powerfully chanted, featured. Listening to "Haunted" right now. Another good one. (Wait, /all/ of theirs are good...)

Haunting Harmonies,



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