Geeks vs. Nongeeks

Geekiness isn't just a word - it's a way of life! People who are lacking in geekiness simply do not understand those who are overflowing with it.

Consider, if you will, a geek who comes home from work after an 8-hour day of computer-related tasks. The person whips out their keys, unlocks the door, flips off their shoes and runs - not walks - to the main computer. Which, incidentally, happens to be sitting on one of two tables supporting computers and their related equipment (the makeshift tables don't count). With one barely-detectable movement, the geek turns on the computer and main monitor, closes his/her eyes, and listens blissfully as the fan whirs on and the hard drives spin up. A happy beep is heard, and the geek continues on through the ranks of computers, hitting switches one by one and listening to each start up in succession, complete with its own set of POST beeps.

Computer fans now merge harmoniously with the network's whirring, and the geek sits down happily whilst pulling off socks with nimble toes. By this time the main computer has been waiting patiently for three
seconds - an eternity! - and another dexterous movement causes music to pour forth from speakers situated in precise locations designed to present the best possible sound quality in the ever-decreasing space of the computer room. Er, I meant dining room.

A few more keypresses and the geek has begun text-chatting with a couple of friends, checked several email accounts for new mail, scrolled songs several times to play the one desired, and opened a class assignment
found on a website with several javascript choices (thank goodness for a great automation program for that last one). The evening has begun. This is considered FUN.

A non-geek would watch all of this and shake their head. I know. I've seen it happen several times. Another common reaction from anyone who has a clue is "Er, what are you doing NOW? Never, mind, you're going too fast."

I suppose for them, the ultimate evening after work is flipping on the lights, starting supper ("Oh yeah," the geeks reading this now think, "I should probably find some Funny Bones and Red Bull...") and settling
down in front of the television or with a good book and a soft light.

Lights. Whups. Forgot to flip those on again. Couldn't tell with all the monitor radiation floating about the room. Besides, the network lights are bright enough to light the way to the drawer beneath the table where the Funny Bones are kept. Really need one of those portable refrigerators for the Red Bull, though. Guess a trip around the kitchen is needed. Considering the kitchen has been strategically placed right
next to the computer room (I meant the dining room, honest), it shouldn't be...too...bad... ::refrigerator door opens and shuts quickly:: ARGH!! There's another speck of dust on my customizable
keyboard!! I've been away too long!!

Ahem. Indeed, non-geeks definitely have NO clue whatsoever.

'Nuff said.

Feeling excitably geeky and craving those chocolates I hid on myself and can't find,



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