old router

Been goofing off for the last hour or so with an old router I found in my closet. I was originally looking for my Evanescence CD (which is STILL missing, growl) but at least I dug up a couple techno CD's a friend had given me. Oh, and the router of course. Finally plunged into that thing and found scads of documentation for it online, which I downloaded and perused for a while. Then I hooked it up to my main tower via com1 and began putzing around with it. Pretty neat stuff, even if its line commands are a bit different from Cisco's.

Then I got tired of fooling with it so I exited hyperterminal and decided to email a former classmate about the whole thing, then ended up playing one of those CD's, and now I'm here. Gotta love days off when you can sit around doing pretty much nothing all day long. I got up this morning around 5:30am after multiple attempts to go BACK to sleep, showered, neglected to wash my hair, bumbled downstairs, and can't for the life of me remember what I did all day in between arriving at my chair and looking for that CD...

No, wait. I remember. I was trying to get a USB drive to work. That's right. Then I ended up moving files all over the place. Wow, does that really take several hours to do? Golly goshily! I hope I did some other stuff besides that...

Well, apparently I've wasted enough time today. Time to go finish reading my Cisco material for Monday's test. Have about three or four more sections to read and take notes on. Think I'll call a friend first, though. Been meaning to do that for about two hours now. Think it's also time for some new music. Where'd those other CDs go...




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