I FISSED IT!! (the favourites button issue)

Specs: Logitech Black Elite keyboard with iTouch software v2.15.264, and Mozilla v1.5 operating on W98se platform.

Issue: iTouch incompatible with Mozilla at this time - specialized internet buttons do not open webpages if Mozilla is set as default browser.

MY issue: Favorites button needs to be linked to Yahoo Groups login page using Mozilla as default browser. Will not open anything despite manual insertion of html address.

Steps taken: Emailed Logitech to ask that they support Mozilla in some future release of their software. Then decided to find some way around this problem in the meantime.

Resolution: Open iTouch software and change Favorites button to open a Program instead of a website. In the path box, I entered this:

C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\mozilla.exe http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.intl=us&.src=ygrp&.done=http://groups.yahoo.com%2F

This, in effect, opens mozilla.exe (which is Mozilla's browser), and then opens Groups Login afterward using Mozilla. You could, of course, modify the website following the path to Mozilla's executable with any other website address.

It worketh perfectlyeth. We are happy. And feeling quite geeky. And very pleased with ourselves. Yes, it's a simple fix, but it's the simple things I seldom think of. Bah hah hah.



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