haven't written for over a day?!

Not that I haven't /wanted/ to write lately, just haven't had much /time/ to write lately. I was just thinking about how much I really do enjoy putting my thoughts down in words. My hands sit calmly upon the keys until thoughts begin to race and quickly find their way down into my fingertips. Each keypress is an emotional release of thoughts which need to be expressed, even if never heard or even acknowledged by other people. How intricate the written word can be! It's as if the airy creatures residing in the mind simply dance along the screen like honeybees explaining the location of newly-discovered food. Look closely enough and you find out that it's not merely a wiggle, but a story.

I've had a lot of time to think lately, and I've taken advantage of it. Yesterday I realized that the third song I put together using the Ejay software is actually really good. My music-loving side felt shivers whilst listening to it!! My mouth exclaimed, "Wow, I can't believe /I/ of all people put this together!!" Even my fingers are still contemplating the concept of writing a review of it one day soon.

Long day at work, had some company over tonight, and now I'm writing this. Oh! My former English teacher wrote to me the other day! I was SO happy to hear from her! I'd written her a while back and ended up going to visit her after school let out. It was a great visit, and I wrote a couple times afterward, but she's not one for writing back often. I finally stopped writing, but she never left my thoughts completely. Yes, it's true, I HATED English class, but she's one special teacher. She's the one who told me to keep writing no matter what. For once I listened to the right person and did just that despite three more horrible English-filled years. Somehow I graduated, and somehow the Road has led me to where I am now.

Not a bad life, really. I'm warm despite the cold outside the window. Friends abound, even if I seldom see them. Something about me caught the eye of a special gentleman, and thus far we're getting along well - nice change of pace for me, getting me away from the computers somewhat, and I love the newness of it all, the learning stage, where everything he does is magic. Every movement, every flip of the hair, that sort of thing. It's downright cool.

Food's on the table, Selene's in optimal health, music plays softly in the background. My mind wanders from subject to subject and back to the gentleman again. I feel in touch with God again, even despite the beginnings of a relationship! Music is touching my soul again! I'm staying warm in a new LLBean jacket despite the sub-zero temperatures. I wear my Peter Cetera hat proudly against the cold wind. A fuzzy purple scarf surrounds my face in the blustery air. Work schedule may need much improvement, and I still hate a certain program I must work with, but... otherwise, it's not that bad. In fact, I still have some drive left in me yet. Still finding things out. School starts soon.

Yes, life is good. In a few moments I will be shutting my eyes and commencing my dreams, which, if last night was any indication, will be fairly nice. I'm looking forward to it.

Feeling calmly and philosophically techiesh and quite lucky,



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