Sword Of Hope and Madison Day Bed

I just bought the Sword Of Hope, and am seriously considering this gorgeous daybed, called the Madison.

The Sword of Hope is apparently from a game of the same name, and someone decided to make a replica of it in stainless steel. Thus far I've only found one site that carries it. No, it isn't battle-worthy, but it's certainly gorgeous!! I LOVE it. I spent several hours over a span of two days trying to find the *perfect* sword for this year's RenFaire. Everything seemed so...dull. Then my eyes feasted upon the S.O.H. and all became clear. Emblazoned upon the hilt of this fine sword were the words, "BUY ME!! BUY ME NOW!!" It called to me as a plant calls to water. Then I read the measurements and knew beyond doubt that this was, indeed, the sword I'd been seeking those last two days. 33" long TOTAL. That means it would probably go to around my ankle or so!!

I showed it to my friend (who was visiting) and she agreed that it was perfectly suited to me, my personality, and my small frame. So I bought it. It has yet to arrive, but I expect it any day now. And it had better come! MWAH hah hah hahhhhh Okay, so the people at work are beginning to treat me better these days, can't imagine why... There can't be such a thing as a disgruntled I.T. worker, can there? ::evil grin::

Anyway, the day bed... I'm hesitant to spend that kind of money on what will basically function as a new couch when I really don't /need/ to get it, but it's so cool-looking, and I've never ever bought myself any /new/ furniture aside from the foldup tables and chairs and such. Everything else was donated by various people. No offense to them (for I am grateful), but I /need/ to finally make my home into MY home, complete with MY sense of style.

Then again, maybe that would be a bad thing. LOL.

Still feeling adequately geeky albeit slightly more ladylike with such thoughts of house decor,



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