He's not dead, so I'm going to kill him!

Earlier today, a coworker overslept - apparently forgot to set his alarm clock or somesuch silly thing. So a few of us sat there behind our computers, occasionally glancing up at each other and shaking our heads in a somewhat concerned manner. After all, the guy is /never/ late! Having just lost one coworker to the untimely demise of cancer, and knowing of another guy who last summer died in a car crash, I of course began fearing the worst.

What if he got in a car accident? What if he was travelling from some music practice gig somewhere and fell asleep and hit a tree with his car and him still in it and he's lying dying with some crazy deranged axe-wielding woman standing over him threatening to cut off his legs below the knees if he doesn't play the drums for her once more?! What if-- at that point I realized that my mind had travelled backward in time to the hours of Misery that I'd watched...

So, he finally calls, and explains why he wasn't there a WHOLE TWO HOURS AFTER HIS SHIFT BEGAN. Phew. Relief. No more assuming that some evil wizard named Saruman had come into our world and snatched him up to do his evil computer-killing bidding. Oh, no. He was on his way into work, after all. Then again, what if Aliens had abducted him, and he was on his way into work to kill the computers after /all/?!

I shunned that thought and continued thinking rationally. All right, I /began/ thinking rationally. Whatever that is. So, I'm about to leave, and he's not there yet. No big deal. I head over to the restroom and dump my now-hours-old Pepsi in the sink, throw away the cup, and open the door. THERE HE IS, quickly entering his code to the door, trying to sneak past my blazing eyes! He briefly turns as he walks in and is startled to find my eyes searing through him like phasers cutting through a bulkhead.

"YOU!!" I allow my voice to say as boomingly as it can get.

"What?!" he says, obviously not all that perturbed by his failure to get to work on time and stop us from needlessly worrying.

I briefly explain that we were worried about him, etc, and as he starts to walk into the main part of the office, I say, "Okay, now that I know you're alive, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!"

At this point our Coordinator guy jumps backwards a bit and looks as if he wouldn't want to cross me. LOL. But having said that, I'd cooled down and was simply happy our coworker was a-ok and not spitting up daisies or anything. Way too young for that. Not that death holds prejudice to age.

Anyway, he's OK. Which is good, because the rest of us are sick and tired of finding new coworkers that can't even begin to fill the shoes of those that have abandoned us (whether by choice or not).

So us geeks have big feet. Sue us.

Feeling immensely relieved and adequately geeky,



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