Stray Diskettes

I copied and pasted a whole list of "You might be a geek if's" to Soran quite some time ago, and was just reminded of one earlier today:

"You might be a geek if you find stray diskettes whilst doing laundry."

Ha. Ha. I was at the bank earlier today and went to put a deposit slip into a pocket. It hit something going in, so I let my hand investigate further. What's this? I ask myself. Oh! A DISKETTE!! Hmm...

Turns out it was the diskette someone at work gave me yesterday. I hadn't had a need for it yet, nor that pocket, so it slipped out of my memory for a while. Anyway, it reminded me of that "You might be a geek if"

I was still waiting at the window, so I stifled my laughter, but a slow grin spread across my face. The teller just smiled back and told me I was all set. I left, and giggled all the way out. Hopefully she didn't think I was laughing at her... LOL

Anyway, other than one particular issue at work that I simply can't seem to get around (which, unfortunately, negates all the positives about working there), my life seems okey-dokey. Yeah, same old emotional highs and lows, but I've come to the point where I simply expect them to get over themselves once they're done throwing tantrums on me.

Interesting dreams lately, too, which have been pointing my attention at a few things I'm now trying to change and keep an eye on.

Alas, I'm at a loss for words tonight. Interesting. Lots of inspiration and no words to express it. Hmph.

Feeling slightly techieish tonight,



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