Mice on Mars? Will they be telepathically linked, too?

This is one of the most interesting and yet horrifying things I've read in a while. The Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program apparently intends to launch mice into orbit around the Earth in a special metre-sized spacecraft designed to create artificial Mars gravity. The mice would be up there for five weeks before returning back to Earth's surface in a fluffy little padded thing. This is all about science, of course, and to find out how Martian gravity may affect humans should we ever land on Mars and stay for extended periods of time.

According to Telegraph.co.uk, the 15 mice would be in comfortable cages with room for exercise.

At least they took the poor creatures' fitness into consideration.

Now, while I find this all quite interesting to the point where I'll probably follow along and find out what happens, I still do NOT understand why mice are being used for this little data-find instead of the humans who really want to know. It would seem fair to me that whoever wants to know how Martian gravity would affect a human should be up there themselves. Oh, I know, I know, humans aren't that expendible, right? Whatever. How unprejudiced we've become.

Remember that doctor, oh, what was his name... Warwick? Yeah, Dr. Kevin Warwick. Dr. Warwick is the guy who had a transponder surgically inserted into his forearm back in 1998, and more recently (2002) had a little chip implanted into some nerve fibers so he could try sending sensations to his wife Irena (who had a similar device implanted). He has his own website: www.kevinwarwick.com. Very cool, albeit a bit frightening, stuff; but at least this particular scientist is true to his cause - he experiments on himself and other willing human participants! The hopes are that one day his research might help people with nerve damange become able to control their limbs again. And talk about something reminiscent of Borg technology - he even goes so far to think that perhaps one day we could become electronically telepathic. Whoo hoo. Potential Collective, there.


And here I am, a measly 26-year-old munching on garlic and chicken noodle soup whilst "skipping" work because of mere flulike symptoms. At least I'm working on a Networking Degree. Thank goodness for inspiration.

I need Yoo-hoo. If only...I had...strength...to open...bottle...

Where's that brain implant when I need it...?!



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