Oregon Chai "Chai Nog"

All right, so I'm a sucker for Chai. Literally - if there were a Chai-blooded creature I'd probably turn into a vampiress just to suck it out of them. Thus, when I happened upon this refrigerated box of Chai Nog by Oregon Chai in the store yesterday, I just /had/ to try it. Yes, Pacific Chai is great... in fact, awesome... but, alas, it was the first thing I tried and it was so good I couldn't believe I could have stumbled upon the greatest thing in the world so by chance like that. What if there were something greater?

This in mind, as I said, I bought some. Currently it is sitting in front of me, a cup of it made off to the side. It's... interesting. You shake the box, pour some in a glass or mug, and add an equal amount of milk. Definitely noggish. I can taste the vanilla more than anything - almost alcoholic, I daresay.

The box is rather funny, too. Here's what it says:

"It happens to everyone. Your holiday spirit gets ticked off and won't come out of the house. Not for sleigh rides. Not for Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. And not for any of that damned Figgy pudding. So your favorite chai-heads up in Oregon put our pointy ears to the ground and came up with an antidote. Discover once and for all why reindeers number two, three and four were named Dancer, Prancer and Vixen. Oregon Chai Tea Lattes. Hot or cold, the official drink of the human race." (From box of Oregon Chai.)

Cool, huh? Now, as for the taste. As I mentioned, very obvious vanilla flavour, and I don't mean that fake vanilla. This is definitely the real stuff, complete with the alcohol base. Somewhere in the background, I think I taste some of the spice, and an interesting hint of the black tea. Milk isn't even an issue. Maybe I didn't add enough? I /thought/ I had the proportions right... doesn't matter. Also note that I'm drinking this cold merely because it's too early in the morning for me to heat it up. Granted, it says you CAN drink it cold, but I've never HAD cold Chai so my opinion of it may be less than adequate at this point. However, I'm also keeping in mind that it IS a NOG, after all, and I've ALWAYS had cold NOG. Not bad stuff at any rate, just not as good as the other kind, but then again I'm not a huge nog drinker. Just have this horrid obsession with Chai anything apparently. For me, Pacific Chai may be able to form a monopoly. It reminds me of cuddling up with a cup of hot chocolate on a blustery winter's night in front of a fire, only instead of hot chocolate, it's a drink suitable for a god. Their product is just sooooo good!

If you want a definite Nog flavour without the eggs, I'd highly recommend chilled Oregon Chai Chai Nog. If a warm, fuzzy sensation is what you desire, go with Pacific Chai Spiced. Note that Oregon Chai ALSO has OTHER flavours. I'm definitely going to be trying them out if/when I see them!!

Feelin' mah noggin' for signs of nog,



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