More Mozilla

All right, I really thought Opera was cool when I first laid my fingers on it, but Mozilla has definitely won my heart with blazing speed, and is continuing to impress me more and more. This puppy has built-in web editing software (not to mention email and other stuff I still haven't played with yet). It's completely WYSIWYG!! One problem, though, is that it's going to make me ohhhhhh-so-lazy much of the time... I mean, I'll probably end up modifying a few things in the source, you know how that goes, but I recreated this links page of mine for my local network and it came out VERY well, in a matter of half an hour. Considering I used tables instead of frames (tables are better IMO), this was a great feat. No matter how indented and organized my tables get, I still have trouble finding things quickly in the source.

So, let's say I love Mozilla. I'm also discovering and memorizing new keycuts, such as CTRL-SHIFT-L to open a "goto" window (unfortunately my keyboard's go button doesn't work with Mozilla, bummer). And I've already learned how to edit my own pages with CTRL-E, as well as go back and forth and open my home page with ALT-arrow left, ALT-arrow right, and ALT-home. Awesome stuff!! It's not every day that you find great software that's worthy of this much attention...

Currently Winamp is sitting happily in my tray, completely controlled by my keyboard, out of sight... Mozilla is open often, Juno is still the coolest email program, Trillian is sitting lightly in the background, and Chai... Chai... well, Chai is /Chai/... Next up is my current list of favourite programs.



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