Broadband is sexy

20060916 - early a.m.
I'm up late, reading forums and such. I happened across one about some former jock who discovered
an iMac. Apparently he's all excited about it and wants to know how to become a geek. Hehheh.
Well, someone wrote something about broadband being sexy. They mentioned even the sound of dialup
being a turn-on. I got to thinking about how I love listening to various computer sounds, tuning
into them, that sort of thing. Geek? Perhaps. But it /is/ sexy in its own way. My boyfriend has
an iMac and we were talking about Parallels. Parallels, for those of you who do not know, is a
program that you run on a Mac so you can "install" virtual PCs on the Mac. Thus, you can run
Windows XP (or most any OS) inside the Mac OS. I've been wanting an iMac for over a month now and plan to get one next year. Parallels isn't making it easy to wait. Well, after reading extensively about Parallels, I got all excited and as Dale showed our friend HIS iMac, I felt strongly attracted to him, like toner clinging to paper. He was radiant in his Macgeek glory.

I'm not sure what it is. I think I enjoy Dale's passions the most. He has such strong interests in so many things, but they're /subtly/ strong interests for the most part. He loves his iMac, obviously, and is the main reason I've developed an interest in Apple products. He strives for excellence in all he does without worry for an ego. He /has/ no ego, at least, none to speak of. All is for fun and self-exploration. When he runs, he doesn't run to beat someone in the race, he runs to improve upon his last time. When he plays table tennis, he genuinely appreciates his opponent's play and strives to learn. When he takes a picture, he sees things others do not. And when he talks about his iMac's superiority over a typical PC, he isn't putting down the PC, he's simply telling it as he sees it from the perspective of someone who's dealt with both types of computer. He admits there are pros and cons to each, too. I love all of this about him.

But most of all, I love watching his eyes glitter as he describes the newest Apple technology. I love his enthusiasm for everything he touches. I love his patient fortitude as he struggles with new concepts. I love his playfulness. I love his respect for everything and everyone. And when all of these things manifest themselves at once, it's as if my whole world has appeared before my eyes.

Broadband is certainly sexy. After all, it brought Dale and I together. I love Broadband... :)



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