PowerShop is more like it

PhotoShop is just way too scary. I've become so accustomed to several of its tools that it's starting to be an extension of my imagination instead of a graphical tool.

I just finished an hour-long endeavor which I embarked upon for Aflac. He won a race last night and the guy who normally does the "winner" photoshoppings either didn't have time or couldn't find a good theme or whatever. So Aflac told him to give him a day, he'd get something for him to put up.

Uh, yeah, /I/ will be getting something for him to put up... but Aflac knows me well. "Want a PhotoShop project?" Don't ask me THAT twice!! So after looking over the pictures he provided me with, I decided I /had/ to use the truck. This is his own specially-designed truck with the Aflac duck on it and Wal-Fart emblazoned across the back, the X-Files "X" gracing the area behind the tire. Beautiful truck if you ask me, and intricately sculpted right down to the Apple logo with the dragon in it on the hood. Too bad the game's graphics aren't better... such art is wasted!

Well, another shot caught my attention. This race took place at Flemington Speedway, so Aflac went looking for a picture of the actual racetrack. He found one of the winner in the year 2000, kneeling in front of his car and holding the checkered flag. NICE!! And perfect for my encroaching idea... So, I take Dale's truck, plop it on the scene, erase the offending background from the truck's layer to allow the "real" background to shine through, and resize the truck until it covers the car properly. Then I erase parts of the truck to allow it to "hide" behind the Nascar sign. Next is the trophy and the two people in the front of the picture.

Whups. One of them is the winner of the race. He doesn't look like Aflac...

So I go into my own personal collection of photographs and find one of my beloved racer. For simplicity's sake, it should be one where he's facing about the same direction. Wouldn't you know, I just *happen* to have one!! I took it at an airshow a month or two ago. He's very serious in it and somehow it just looks perfect for the picture. So in it goes.

Another problem, however, is that his face is very grayish because it had been cloudy that day. In the picture from Flemington, everyone has a pinkish face. No biggie. My memory kicks in from my exploring days and locates "lighting effects." I add a reddish hue, get the angle just right, and whammo, Dale's face is now lighter and has [almost] the same pinkish glare. It's pretty obvious he was photoshopped in, but with a quick resize, his head is proportionate to his newly-adopted body, and now I have my winner, the driver of the cartoonish truck.

This is getting fun.

My last challenge, and perhaps one of the more difficult, is to change the 2000 to 2006, so the sign is accurate of this race. I copy a piece of the last 0, rotate it into the 0, then blacken out an area to create a makeshift 6.

Satisfied with this particular work, I save it (which I really should have done a while ago now that I think about it), and convert to jpg. I send it to Aflac via email and open this even as I scan for viruses. This is when it hits me: I just created a photo out of a photo... the power these applications instill into us... LOL



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