Stepping up to the plate

Mewanted to share some awesome news, which is like, fourfold.

01. First and most importantly, Aflac is awesomely supportive. I knew this, but it's been recently demonstrated again as I shared some really good news with him (see 04. below).

02. Secondly, my mom is doing very well. I'm very happy about that.

03. Thirdly, we met a few new friends for dinner last night, and I can honestly say that not only was I surprisingly at ease with them, but I feel like I've known them forever. Not in that old familiar comfortable sense, but more like they're kindred spirits. They're intelligent, funny, energetic, talkative, and they love food. (haha!) Time, oh, so little time, though... they, like us, have horridly busy schedules. Aflac likes them, too. Of course he gets along with everyone even more than I do, but he actually had something to say about these folks and it was very positive. I was slightly worried he may not have such a good time because I knew they'd be VERY different from what he was used to. Most of /his/ friends aren't quite, so, uh... energetic! But we all shared at least a few things in common. It's amazing...

04. And finally, I've been promoted at work. I suppose this should have been at the top of my list as it will affect my schedule, pay, and of course lifestyle (because of pay). Dante will get paid off more quickly as will my dentist, which is a very good thing (since I hate debt immensely). I look forward to being able to save again. I very much look forward to the new schedule, which I think means weekends off for the most part, and more evenings with Aflac. But I also feel an immense sense of accomplishment, because in just over a year I've managed to find myself, work on myself professionally, and apparently I've gained a lot of respect at work that I didn't even realize was occurring until the interview I had the other day. Note that I'm much more excited than this entry can possibly indicate. But I'm realistic, too. While I've already been doing a lot of what I will be doing, now I'll have more responsibilities and it'll be tough at times to get used to the new expectations. However, I think my personal endeavor to work for my own standards will continue to provide me with ample assistance in maintaining and - more likely - exceeding these expectations.

Post Synopsis: Life is very good and is certainly what I've made of it. No, I don't control everything, but it is true that my positive and confident outlook has enabled a lot of good things to occur in my life: New friends, awesome boyfriend, promotion. The odd thing is that nothing I desire deep inside seems to take very long to materialize in front of me. Most of the time, I don't even know I want it until the opportunity presents itself.



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