credit sucks, but trucks RULE!!

I was denied credit again by citibank due to, what was it they said... *reading* Ah. Here it is: "no revolving accounts with a balance." Whatever that means. So after dickering with the transunion site for a while and being denied a credit report because I don't know where I work (whatEVER) or what my toyota account is (repeat: like, whatEVER), I called for the third time and finally figured out there was a final option I kept missing due to impatience.

Impatient? Me? Nahh... *nodding vehemently despite negative assertion*

SO... I'm getting a copy of it within the next couple weeks. Meamthinking that next time I stop into my bank, I'll also ask them how the heck I can establish credit for myself. Maybe I'm just being too impatient. (Maybe?) My Arian and/or geeky nature doesn't understand gray areas when it comes to numbers. It's either on or off, a one or a zero! But anywho, I /am/ going to figure this out, that much I've decided.


I called the autobody shop where Dante is right now and asked about an oil/filter change. The guy told me they'd do that and asked what I had over there. When I told him my name and what the truck is, he said, "Ohhhh, yeah, I know that one." I thought, "You know Dante? Oh! You mean you've seen Dante in the shop... prolly drooled on him, no doubt... these guys..." but I didn't say anything, I was just happy he didn't sound discouraged when he said that. It was a happy tone, not one of doom, so no matter what he was thinking it wasn't like the truck was in deep doo-doo or anything which of course is good.

Oh! Anyway, they're going to change my oil and filter for me. I also asked them to look at the bumper (I put four little boo-boos in that over a month ago when I backed into a lowlying bit of concrete) and he said they'll call me back with an estimate on how much that might cost to fix for me. They are soooooooo super nice. I love that place!! Methinks I might have meself a garage. How lucky is that, to find one so quickly? Everyone's always told me that likable garages are hard to find. But imagine! Little me dragging my truck to a garage for service!! I was thinking on the way home how weird it is, me driving. Less than a year ago I was still kinda thinking maybe I didn't need or want a license let alone a vehicle. Now I wouldn't know what to do without both!! My decision to get it was actually a bit sudden, maybe around November... thought to meself, "Self, you're 27, you're going to get your license before you turn 28, and if you save enough, you might just get a truck for your birthday." Funny how that kind of decision just settles into oneself, huh? Nervous driver, I was, though. Now it's second nature. Amazing. I need to keep this in mind next time I get rattled about not being good at something immediately. Some things really do require practice!

Now... hopefully that woman who backed into me last week will practice HER driving skills a little bit more and not repeat her mistake...

I'm just sooooo happy that Dante is all right and will be all right and I'll be getting him back soon. I'm currently driving a little Dodge Stratus and, don't tell it this, but that car is NO comparison to my truck! It does have a few advantages, I admit. Such as its turning radius is much tighter than Dante's. I mean, the thing is WICKED easy to park. And being low to the ground does have one advantage over being up high - when a box truck parks in your line of traffic-view, you can see UNDER him and thus figure out when you can turn. I would have been there forever with Dante because he couldn't have seen over OR under that box truck. The tires also handle better, and it can corner faster without feeling like it'll tip over. Also, it's front-wheel drive, so the tires don't spin in the sand when I'm going around a certain corner near where I live.

BUT... I hate driving it at night and in the rain. At night it's too low and I can't see the lines on the road (exactly why I got the truck in the first place). Almost ended up going in a circle the other night because I ended up in the left-turn lane! And in the rain, the back window, when not covered in slowly dribbling rain, fogs all up. I can't see out of it whatsoever. To make things worse, the tail end is somehow higher so I have to use the rearview mirror to make SURE nothing's hiding behind the back end. Dante doesn't have ANY rear window visibility problems despite his long rear end. Like, ever. Then again, I guess I was prepared for backing issues with him, so I overcompensate and thus don't think much of it. The Stratus also guzzles gas - more than Dante in fact, and I'm serious... I /know/ this thing eats more gas than Dante does, I don't care if it's a car, truck, or what!

The front windshield glares more, it's harder to see through the rain (probably not treated with rainx is why), and accelerate means nothing to this beast. I tried flooring it just to see if it would respond to ANYTHING and found I already /was/ flooring it. I was only doing 40. The thing crawls along until it gets used to the idea and then it slowly builds up speed and becomes a bit more responsive. Weirdest car I've ever driven, now that I've gotten to know it a bit better. It's been a great experience but I can't wait to get Dante back from that shop. Man, I'm taking him for a nice long drive as a reward to both of us for putting up with this separation.

Okay, okay, even if Dante had any thoughts on the matter he'd probably be happy being doted on by those nice body shop people and not miss me one bit, but... egads, I sure do miss him. Best vehicle I've ever driven despite the parking difficulties!

Well, I got other stuff to do (not even writing-related, either) so I'm gonna skedaddle. Later laters!



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