Truck, Foamy, Friends, Geekiness. I'm loving it.

That's all I have to say.

Yes, ladies and germs, yours truly now has sitting in her driveway THE most AWESOME mechanical creature since her last computer build. A TRUCK!! Yep!! His name is Dante. I'd post a picture of him on my website but I haven't had time. I've been out joyriding. Safely, of course. At least I hope so. LOL. You would not believe some of the adventures that I've had (okay, maybe some of you would), but anyway... he's a beautiful 2005 Toyota Tacoma Access Cab, 4x4 Automatic, BLACK of COURSE!! I've no idea what I did or didn't do to deserve such a beautiful vehicle, but I hope I keep doing or not doing it!!

SO... the first four songs on my truck cd are (what, you doubted I'd make a truck cd to christen my new truck with?)... 1. You're The Inspiration by Chicago (come on, you had to have seen that one coming), 2. Scheherazade by Peter Cetera (ditto), 3. The Truck Driving Song by Weird Al (look up the lyrics, you'll understand why I chose this), and 4. The Knight Rider theme (after all, I did want a black pontiac trans am as my first vehicle, but it was merely unpracticaly compared to Dante...) The CD works well. I've got other songs on it such as Joyride by Roxette and a few other good ones, but... can't recall their order just now. Still, it's a great CD.

Now, in other news, I discovered THE most AWESOME cartoon, like, EVER. Well, Hackles was pretty good, but Foamy takes the cake. Okay, sorry, it's actually called Neurotically Yours. You can find it at www.illwillpress.com/vault.html. It's about this goth suicidal chick named Germaine who pretty much does nothing much, and her pet squirrel and his friends. The squirrel's name is Foamy, and he likes to rant and rave about most everything stupid in the world today. Then he's got these friends named Begley (he's the English squirrel) and Pillz-E (who is addicted to and eats every medication he comes across). Most recently a new squirrel has been added to the mix - a "black" one named Hatta. Or somesuch. He's got some issues, too. LOL

Well, anyway, one of Foamy's favourite foods appears to be bagels with cream cheese (don't question the concept of a squirrel eating a bagel or you'll probably suffer his squirrelly wrath!), and I've been repeating his cream cheese rave over and over for like, weeks. Now I've got a friend into it, too, and he started emailing about the creamy creamy cheese cheese, cheesy cheesy, and so I ended up writing about this bagel concept to him and of course Dante snuck in there as well. The whole paragraph seemed rather blog-worthy to me, so here it is:
Maybe I should go to Dunkin' Donuts on my way to work and get one... hehheh drive thru, I love it... Yanno, I really don't eat THAT much fast food, but the mere fact I CAN go through the drive thrus now makes me WANT to. Maybe I should just go to one, and when the little radio says, "May I take your order?" I could say, "No, I just got a new truck and love going through the drive-thrus. But I'm not really hungry." Whattaya think they'd say? Hm. I'd probably get a burger thrown at me as I drove by the little window...
He said it would be cool to tell them what a good job they were doing, too. LOL!! And of course he also said that they'd NEVER throw a burger at Dante because they just wouldn't be able to, but... you know. *wink*

Now for the umpteenth installment of "You might be a geek if..."
YOU might be a geek IF...
...you step on something, look down, and say, "Hm. That almost looks like a piece of cat 5 cabling."
...then bend over to pick it up and find that it IS a piece of cat 5 cabling. The tubing, at least.

Life is good. Tomorrow I go rock climbing and am PROBABLY going to drive my friend and I to Taco Bell for some good eats beforehand. It's been a LONG time since I've had Taco Bell!! Then we'll likely settle down to watch Foamy, eat popcorn, and play Pod Racer. Stupid addictive game... grrr... but it's so FUN... anywho, off I go!!

Terrific Trucking, everyone!!



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