voracious lizard! et al [trip]

Okay, Lancelot got hungry while I was away from home for a week... he ate four crix between Monday and Tuesday, two of which were freakin' huge.

Saw friend and mom over last week, was excellent trip. Started out seeing friend, next morning left to see Mom for a few days, we did LOTS of travelling around town. Then I went back to see friend who met up with me and we went to see a concert. EXCELLENT concert, although half way through I ended up nearly falling asleep [whups] and kept waking to the sound of clapping...

After the concert, we went back to his place and stayed up way too late playing Soul Calibur and SSX Tricky. Next morning, we headed up to one of his Events, where we stayed overnight. First day I pretty much hid in the trees, calling people and IMing people on my cell phone (excellent reception for such a secluded campground, must have had a tower nearby). Then I spent the next day talking to this dude about video games, languages, computers, and who knows what else. After about twelve hours of that it was time for my friend and I to go, so we left to play yet MORE Soul Calibur. LOL. The next morning I came back home. At the transit center awaited a familiar vehicle, which carried a familiar person... ::happy sigh::

Anyway it was an awesome trip. Believe it or not, I'm just barely tired tonight!! LOL. Back to work today and the rest of the week... gonna give up on this blog tonight now. Hehheh.



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