DaVinci Code

I'm reading "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown. Someone at work loaned it to me, and while I put it off for a while during the reading of "Absolute Power" by David Baldacci (a very good book as well btw)... I finally began reading it.

In one hour or so I bounced through seven chapters without realizing it. Then I got involved in Pod Racer and such and forgot about it. Until tonight. Vowing not to play Pod Racer yet AGAIN and continuing to hurt my poor wrists, I decided to go upstairs and read - something I've been trying to get myself to do more of anyway. So I did.

Chapter fifty hit me and I realized that for the past three hours I'd been reading continuously since I ate dinner. So, being nearly bedtime, I figured I'd take a quick shower and plop into bed. Got in the shower, got out, towelled off, and grabbed a fresh sheet to wrap around myself. Next thing I know I'm downstairs checking email and IM messages. And wishing I had some apples, bread, cheese, and wine.

That always happens to me when I'm reading a good book. I get hungry for the "rustic" type foods. Picnic snacks if you will. And while I'm lusting over the thought of such foodstuffs, I realize, too, that my window shade is still up, there are no lights in the house save for the stairwell, I'm wrapped in a mere sheet with my feet on the desk and one hand laced beneath my knee to reach the left part of the keyboard, the other hand perched at the edge of the desk for the right side of the keyboard, leaning back in my chair, watching my text fly across the screen as I type, and I've turned down my monitor settings quite drastically to barely show any light whatsoever.

Why, you ask? So no one outside my window can tell that I'm wrapped in a sheet! Or that I am once again geekily checking email when I should be in bed! Okay, okay, so it's more than that. Given the nature of "The DaVinci Code," I suppose I'm in a skulky mood. Yes, ladies and gents, I am skulking around in my own apartment, wishing I had apples, cheese, bread, and wine. Actually, I do have wine, but that's beside the point...

No idea why I feel it necessary to post this sort of thing in my blog, maybe to be different, doesn't matter really. How I wish I had a little radio or something that I could communicate in code with a like-minded friend! Yet I've no friend that would humour me even with Skype or TeamSpeak at this hour. Bummer.

Well, off to bed I go, then. Happy Harmonies!


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