Yep, I'm a geek. And an antisocial one at that.

I'm sitting behind a computer while some people in the other room are having themselves a ball, laughing it up and talking and jesting and all that good stuff. I'm having a ball myself, but it's on the other side of a desk hutch. While I can hear all their fun in there, their senses of humour are not exactly my own. I read aloud a little piece of an article and it was met with snickers and "Yeahhh... okayyyy." Me, on the other hand... well, I had just laughed out loud over the fact that Romanians were selling their sperm to save their car company. Hello? It IS funny... really it is... maybe you have to read it yourself to truly appreciate it...?

So, I sit back here on the computer enjoying myself... alone even as there are other people just over the edge of that desk... as was always the case until I found out about a whole bunch of people who were actually FUN... to /me/. The kind that sit around talking shop, making stupid jokes about not being as bright as the dimmest motherboard LED, shouting obscenities about their "stupid computer" just before praising it and kissing and hugging it as being the bestest computer that ever ran, and other such silliness. Nope. I'm not into the whole physical tickly-tickly or the screams or any other such insanity. I'm into the mundane, the strange, the unusual, the eccentric and the smart wit of quick minds that don't mind a lot of friendly banter accompanied by snorting, belching, and programming wars. And, half of them can actually type.

The worst part is, I'm considered anti-social, when in all truth it's merely that I belong to a group of people known as geeks. I never knew this until a few years ago when I began working in the computer department of my current workplace. There, lo and behold, was the nicest group of people I have ever met. Not just nice, but smart, and oh-so-geeky, even if perfectly capable of being somewhat social in "real" life - you know, the life OUTside of the box. This place of employment allowed me to go to school, where I've met two of the bestest friends of my entire life. In that networking class I met the zaniest creature I've ever known, whose name I refrain from mentioning since this IS the net. The following year I met yet another strange creature and found the most comfortable, closest friendship I've ever had.

Well, all good things must come to an end, and as it turns out he ended up going out with this really nice girl and now I barely see him anymore. My lonliness has multiplied exponentially even though I've been making new friends through a semi-geek I've been dating, mainly because now I know what I've been missing and the people I've lately been hanging out with are soooooooooo far from being geeks that I feel quite out of place even as I have some essence of fun and new experience - finally part of a social life, even if not one of my own choosing. But I know people like my former best friend exist, and I have the inkling that somewhere, someday, I will run across more people like him again, and they will not disappear from my life so dramatically.

Such is life! My optimism prevails. I am now going to attempt to be somewhat social, even if I'm not exactly happy about it.



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