heh, insatiable questions

Sometimes I'm annoyed by people asking simple questions about computers, especially if they claim geekhood and I've already answered them about it once less than a month or so ago. But then I have days when it just rolls off my back, and I'm almost amused by it.

Take a friend of mine, for instance. We'll call him Spasm today since I value my friends' privacy and it's the first word that popped into my head. Hm. There might be a reason I chose to call him Spasm, now that I think about it. Nonetheless, it's not exactly traceable back to him, so I'll keep it for now.

Spasm seems to think he's an elite [good] hacker dude. He spends countless hours at the computer tweaking his XP box with every tweak he can find. He downloads almost every little program he sees. And, much to my dismay at times, he tells me /I/ need to use these programs. When I'm not complaining. I mean, I tend to tell people to use Mozilla when they're complaining about popups and asking for advice, but I don't keep insisting before they even ask. And for the record, I still do not see why people are so afraid of something that works the same but /looks/ slightly different. Mom's kind of like that and it really perplexes me given the fact that she's so smart and I, the geek, came from her.... anyway, for a while I thought the guy was more of a script kiddie than anything, but over the years he's mellowed. A lot. And when I say a lot, I mean _A_LOT_.

Don't get me wrong, I love the guy dearly most of the time. In fact, despite some really silly questions that I think he oughta know the answers to by now, he has actually helped ME out at times. I never discount what he tells me because he has been right on numerous occasions and outsmarted ME. (Is my own arrogance showing at all? I think it is. Whups.) Yet he'll still be asking me things like, "It's okay to unplug a hard drive while the computer's running, right?" And no, he's NOT referring to a hot-swappable drive!

I dunno. I guess we all have our special talents. He's a geek in another sort of way, perhaps. Sometimes I think I'm helping to keep him in line and keep his mind going the way it should be going. And sometimes I think he's helping me learn how other people think - even fellow geeks. Maybe, just maybe, it's a mixture of both.



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