
I was up watching Xena last night while Aflac did some racing and right in the middle of this really exciting part of Xena I remember thinking "Drat. I think I'm going to fall asleep soon. What time is it?" It was around 10:30pm. Following that, these were my thoughts, all separated by some indeterminate amount of time.

"I should probably go to bed. Nah, I wanna watch this."
"Crap, I'm dreaming, aren't I...and I missed that part didn't I?!"
"What time is it? Oh, it's after 11 now..."
"Hey! I missed that part, too, I gotta rewind and stay awake..."
"I might as well shut this off and watch something else."
"So tired, can't move."
"Oh, I'm being lifted to my feet..."
"Hey! How'd I get on the stairs? Oh yeah, Aflac's trying to get me to-- whoo, that was close, we almost fell over..."
"if only my feet would work..."
"Oh, Snappy, cuddle cuddle" (that would be the stuffed animal Aflac got for me for Christmas)
"It's dark."
"Hm, still on my side with Snappy."
"Weird dream... I think I'm talking in my sleep..."
"It's light. What am I doing in bed?"
"Okay, too much on-the-sideness. Time? 9am. I'm flipping over on my stomach."
"Reposition legs, screw time."
"No, back on stomach. Oh, Aflac's awake."
"What the... I can't... wake... up... these DREAMS..."
"OMG!! It's like, 10:30am!!! Crap!! I gotta get outta here in two hours!!"
"Hi Aflac!"

At that point I was awake enough to wake up. Aflac told me all that transgressed that night to his knowledge. 1) He took pictures of me and Kitty sleeping. 2) He dragged me up the stairs to bed. On the way, I suddenly jerked as if I were waking up, then went limp again even though I was actually walking somewhat. 3) I "never moved" from the spot he layed me in with Snappy. Several times he worried because he thought I wasn't breathing, I was so "dead" and "silent."

So you see, I have *no* control over this phenomenon. I get tired, that's the end of me... lol


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