Drainage is good

We've been having some intermittent and worsening problems with our bathroom shower/sink drains. Aflac (formerly Ducky) and I tried using Liquid Plumr and a couple weeks later, some biological stuff, but it just kept getting worse after it got better. Then he tried taking some things apart and managed to remove a small clump of hair, but things got majorly worse a couple days after that. Namely, yesterday and today. This morning after his shower, there were three inches of water left in the tub. A good three hours later it was still there. He left our peoples a note about it this morning as he left for work, and one of them called me back to say she'd called a plumber, etc.

Well, they came and went within an hour, and now we've got our drains back to proper working order!! YAY!! Da wadda go down da holllleeee...

Which then reminded me of a surgery I had several years ago. I went back for a checkup and told the surgeon that I had a lot of liquidy stuff falling out of the stitched-up incision. (Turned out I was slightly allergic to the stitches material, no big deal.) In our conversation he said that the wound might drain. Then he said, "And drainage is good. Drainage is good!"

My mom and I had a good laugh over that saying for years afterward. I think it was mainly his tone and how emphatic he was about it that was so funny. Even now I can hear him: "Drainage is good! Drainage is good!"

And you know what? I can now attest to it... after taking a five minute shower withOUT the water pooling around my knees, I thought to myself, "That surgeon was right! Drainage IS good!! Drainage IS good!!"

But I didn't tell anyone else that, because they don't know the joke...


Is Drainage good, Self? Why, yes, yes it is... and the landlady called to check and make sure they fscked it properly. I said excitedly, Yes!! YES!! It's fissed!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Remind me to get her something wonderful in the near future. What, I don't know, she seems womanlike so maybe a fruit basket or something would be nice to her. Heck, even /I/ like fruit baskets...




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