Death of Watch Band

This morning at approximately 8:40, Watch's band broke. This has been a loyal and trusting watch for the last three years, always gaining time on me up to about 26 minutes, then stopping there until I reset it back again. I remember distinctly how I began wearing it.

The Summer of 2002 I was attending Cisco 1 and met a couple of people who are now still my friends. One of them invited me shopping with her and her family. We went to Wal-Mart (or was it Kmart?). She decided at some point that she needed a new watch. I was using my new palm pilot as my watch at the time and, having just spent way too much money on it, refused to even consider a watch for myself. But then I saw it. A digital watch for $6! And it was a fairly small one, too - not the face, but the band. I looked closely. Yes, it might fit my tiny little wrist! But there was a dillemma. There were two - a black one and a purple one. My favourite colours are black and purple. Black would be the obvious classic. Purple, however, was pretty darned gorgeous.

In the end I decided to get the black one. I figured it would be more "me" because I tend to wear a lot of black anyway. Besides, a black watch would still go well with purple or any other colour I decided to start wearing (like red). So I held it lovingly, set it on the counter, paid for it, and wrestled with the packaging to get it out and on my wrist. It fit perfectly. None of that turning around and around and facing the other side!

I quickly noticed that it gained time, but hey, it was a cheap AQT2 $6 watch from WalMart (KMart?). So I wasn't surprised. What I was surprised about is my reaction to the band breaking.

Ducky did the customary removal and in the process said, "Uh, I didn't do it." I looked and sure enough my recent suspicions were confirmed: Ducky's easier and easier removal of Watch was due to the band getting weaker and weaker in one spot. It finally had enough.

I wore this watch continuously (it was waterproof too) for three years... our ritual of "throwing time across the room" is what brought Watch to its early demise. But the time has also been fading this past year so I know it's been getting tired. Perhaps it's just the battery, but the battery would cost as much as a new watch, so I did not plan to replace it.

The Watch will now sit atop my stereo in a place of honour, along with a picture of my friend's awesome little daughter, my guitar clock, and various other small items. No more throwing time for a while. Indeed, it shall now rest in peace.

There's a time for everything



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