Clove Oil

Ever use clove oil? I got some from CVS for my own achy tooth problems. This is what it's like:

Go to Pharmacy and ask for Oil of Clove. (They hide it behind closed doors.)
Purchase teeny weeny little bottle for four bucks. (1/8 oz)
Bring home and set up your own dental area in bathroom.
Dip clean cotton swab in oil.
Let excess drip back into little teeny bottle.
Place swab on affected area and wait five to ten seconds.
Experience burning sensation on inside of cheek.
Experience burning sensation on side of tongue.
Figure out your shirt's getting wet.
Realize you've lost all sensation in chin and wet shirt is from drooling on yourself.
Hold swab a bit longer, until sink can't hold any more drool.
Remove swab and throw away.
Continue to hang over sink to catch remaining drool.
Feel face. Wonder where it went.
Realize the toothache is severely diminished.

Great stuff...

Unfortunately, it does wear off more quickly than ibuprofen, but it works a heck of a lot FASTER than ibuprofen. So it's great in between med doses.

What happens if you accidentally swallow too much of this stuff? Does your stomach go numb? Maybe they should consider this stuff for weight loss... then again, maybe it would make people GAIN weight because they wouldn't know when they were full?

Best leave this stuff for teeth!


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