Well the key to my survival...

...was never in much doubt. The question was how I could keep sane, trying to find my out. Things were never easy for me, peace of mind was hard to find. And I needed a place where I could hide, somewhere I could call mine. I didn't think much about it 'til it started happening all the time...*

And then the tingling sensation became stronger, stronger, stronger still, and before I was conscious of what was happening, it exploded throughout my body, from my feet into the bottom of my spine, gushing upward, pulsating through every vein, every artery, every capillary. Everything beat in time with the music. Then the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up and danced with excitement. My pulse quickened, faster, faster, my breath escaped my lungs, reentered, laughing in ecstasy, screaming with nearly religious awakening.

"No Son Of Mine,*" by Phil Collins, somehow got into my soul. And I was driving!

"Soon I was living with the fear every day of what might happen that night. I couldn't stand to hear the crying of my mother, and I remember when I swore that that would be the last they'd see of me, and I never went home again. They say that time is a healer, and now my wounds are not the same. I rang the bell with my heart in my mouth. I had to hear what he'd say...."*

I pulled into a parking spot as "his words how they hurt me." I'll never forget this experience, and I won't regret it, for this is the first time I've had a musical experience while driving. I've been driving since March 24th, licensed barely over a month previous to that, and now I can imagine that it's a sign that says I'm truly comfortable on the road. I had this realization just minutes before as I went over a bridge: You know, Self, I actually /like/ driving now. I've become one with the truck just as I was once one with my scooter, my legs. It's been happening all along, but today is a benchmark test of just how far I've come in the last several months.


To have a musical experience in my own vehicle with me in the driver's seat means that I am no longer constantly worrying that I'm not going to see something in time, that perhaps I'm doing something wrong. It means that I can focus on music deeply enough to experience it, and all the while drive safely. For as I pulled into my spot, I realized that the tingling sensation had drifted off temporarily - I needed to focus a bit more on backing in than I needed to focus on the music. I /do/ have my priorities, after all... Dante should take me places for a long time yet. No sense in smashing him into another vehicle just because I'm enjoying music!

What a wonderful day it is... HAPPY HARMONIES EVERYONE!!
* "No Son Of Mine" lyrics are copyrighted and used without permission - I hope no one minds.


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